When Your Google Reader Dies

June 10, 2013

A lot of you read this blog in Google Reader.

That’s the tool I’ve longed used, too, to read my crazy list of blogs and find fodder for clients’ social channels.

RIP Google Reader

RIP Google Reader

But Google is about to kill its Reader. (This is one of the first times I’ve been seriously disappointed with Google. If you kill a product like Google Reader that has such a strong following, how can we trust you to maintain the other tools we rely on so heavily?) Starting July 1, you’ll no longer be able to read and interact with my blog posts there.

If this affects you, the easiest way to keep up with the advice and ideas offered on this blog is by subscribing to my newsletter. If you’re keen to transition to another RSS feed but have delayed choosing one, you might consider Feedly; I’ve migrated all my accounts there.

Thanks for reading!

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    9 Replies to “When Your Google Reader Dies”

    • I’m so happy I never used Google Reader, what a mess! 🙁

    • John Soares says:

      Alexis, I also think that Google is making it more difficult for us to trust them by killing Google Reader.

      There are also rumors the company will kill Feedburner. I’ve switched my main e-mail list to Aweber and all my RSS feeds to the WordPress default.

      • Alexis Grant says:

        Smart, John! I should really do the same, rely on Feedburner right now.

        And I agree with you. If they’d kill Reader, what says they won’t kill another tool a lot of us rely on?

    • I was so bummed to hear about Google Reader, but now that I’ve switched to Feedly I wouldn’t go back even if they kept Reader alive!

    • My prediction is that Google is going to kill Google Voice next. They haven’t updated it in ages, despite all the big plans they had for it. I currently use Google Voice, but it also confuses people. (Most of them start leaving messages when GV asks them to “state your name.”)

      Companies like Swayy (I think they are currently in free beta) are also trying to jump in and fill the void for people who use Reader to find great content to share with their audiences, but they are by no means an alternative for those of us who keep up with our daily blogs.

      As for my alternative, right now I’m using Feedly – which is built on the Google Reader platform! They say they’re coming up with their own system, so I’m giving them a chance.

    • Alison Fischer says:

      I have already started using Feedly about a month ago, and I must admit, I prefer it. So won’t be missing Google Reader 🙂

    • james hart says:

      Never used any kind of reader before, but thanks to google I discovered eldonreader and flipboard. It’s just amazing!!

    • Thanks for this rec. Just switched to Feedly. We’ll see!

    • A Laramey says:

      I’m using newsblur these days (although I will miss Reader!). It’s quite awesome and imported my starred stories.

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