Querying agents

What I learned from the query process

June 15, 2010

It’s kind of a shame each of us only has to land a literary agent once. Okay, not that much of a shame. Who wants to go through that again? But now that I’m done querying, I feel far more prepared to do it again. And since hopefully there will be no next time, I’ll […]

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Some things are better left unblogged

June 7, 2010

When I was querying literary agents, I grappled with whether to blog about it. The whole purpose of this blog is to help you learn from my experiences (and to help me grow), and I kinda felt like I was leaving you out in the cold by not sharing exactly what was going on. Several […]

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Queryday: Literary agents use Twitter to offer tips

April 17, 2009

I’ve just barely begun to explain my progress on this new blog, but I’ve got to interrupt regularly scheduled blog posts to bring you… Queryday. First, what’s a query? It’s a one-page letter to a literary agent, asking that s/he represent you and your project. If an agent likes your query, she’ll ask to see […]

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How's the book coming?

April 14, 2009

More than three months have passed since I returned home from Africa, determined to write a travel memoir. As I hole myself up in my home office and coffee-shop hop with my laptop, friends and family ask, “How’s the book coming?” I know what they’re really thinking: What has she been doing all this time? […]

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