My home office is full of pieces of art from Africa: a beaded wire bowl made in South Africa, a huge raffia sculpture of a baobab tree from Madagascar, a smooth wooden bowl created in Cameroon, and a beautiful poster of homemade Malagasy paper pressed with flowers.
But my favorite is a wall-sized colorful batik I picked up in Mali. Hanging just above my desk, it’s the perfect inspiration for writing about Africa.
My writing space: Centered by an African batik.
What’s your writing inspiration?
Awesome Batik. I’ve never had the chance yet to travel Africa, but I do have some artwork from the continent brought home as a gift from friends who have.
I don’t really have any one thing that I use as writing inspiration, though.
The Old Silly from Free Spirit Blog
Looks like a great batik. I have a collage of photos on the wall above my desk ““ mostly of my grandson. They always make me smile when I look up.
Jane Kennedy Sutton
Awesome art, Alexis. Africa is high on our list of places to visit. I guess I am inspired by good writing and feelings. Visual stimulation isn’t oneof my cues to write.
Hi, Alexis, I tried to comment on the Word Count post, but, couldn’t get to a comment box…so, I’ll do both here.
Agree with you and Karen about how to proceed, also agree with your word count total assessment. If it should read like fiction, then, it probably needs the characteristics of fiction. To include a grab ’em opening few pages, other ‘rules” would apply as well.
Love your batik! How did I know your work area would be so neat and organized????
Best Regards, Galen
Thanks, Galen! That word count post was actually supposed to go up tomorrow… Somehow I posted it early, so I deleted it and it should go up Thursday!
Beautiful batik, Alexis. And I do envy your tidy workplace.
My writing inspiration comes from inside — those characters who won’t leave me alone until I put their stories down on paper. Bless them!
At my blog, I’ve answered some questions and comments from the early birds, so check back if you have time.
The view from my sewing room/office window. I look out on the aspens and the pasture. The river runs through this spot and the wildlife and the peace inspire me.
This is funny, as Gabrielle has mutliple rooms filled with her African fabrics, arts, sculptures and such to find inspiration. For me, though, I think it’s just the open window and being able to see the light of day outside and life going on. Of course, I also have my mom’s watercolor paintings on my desk.
Like Karen, I like looking out at the view as an inspiration, too.
My sister in law lives in Nairobi and loves it there. We always enjoy the beautful crafted work she brings back to the States with her.
Mystery Writing is Murder
Wonderful and inspiring. I love it!
Beautiful artwork! My inspiration for a new project comes from the masks and photos of masks I took on a trip to Venice.
The Berlin Sex Diary of Lady Eve Marlowe
The hanging is gorgeous – very inspirational!
Nancy, from Just a Thought”¦
Can’t think of anything particularly inspirational near my desk – except maybe the voodoo doll of my MIL. 🙂