
Freelancers: Quit Agonizing Over Your Fees and Do This Instead

October 2, 2012

Last week I wrote a post that was a LONG time coming, about how much to charge for social media services. Yet while freelancers and consultants tend to agonize over our fees, that’s really not the most important piece of making a living on your own terms. The most important piece isn’t whether you charge […]

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The Best Way to Get New Clients (And It’s Not What You’d Expect)

July 25, 2012

One of the big questions I get from new freelancers, solopreneurs and consultants is, “How do you find new clients?” The truth is, I almost never find new clients. But I do sign new clients regularly. So how does that happen? It happens because new clients find me. I approached my very first client, yes. […]

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How My E-Guide is Selling & How Much I’m Making

August 9, 2011

More than a handful of you have asked how my new informational e-book is selling, and how much I’m making off the project. Since my transparency could help some of you succeed at similar ventures, here’s the breakdown three weeks after launch: Product: How to Build a Part-Time Social Media Business Launch post: Social Media […]

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