Hooray for links! Mashable tells us how freelancers are using social media for real results. If you’re not doing this, you’re missing opportunities. MediaBistro’s GalleyCat offers a list of the best books on writing. Be sure to read through the comments for more recommendations. Why are chef’s memoirs popular with people who don’t care to […]
It’s Friday! That means links: The Boston Globe brings us the story of a Pulitzer-winning novelist who almost went unpublished. While we’re on the topic of Pulitzers, I also enjoyed this article from The Washington Post about what the prize won’t do for a reporter and the subjects of his work. Do tell-all memoirs really […]
Happy Friday! Some weekend reading for y’all: Math of Publishing Meets the E-Book, from the New York Times. Just how much does it actually cost to produce a printed book versus a digital one? At True/Slant, a great list of the Best Journalism of 2009. A few of Conor Friedersdorf’s categories: exceptional storytelling, short essays […]
It’s the weekend! Time for links! From my favorite blogger, Penelope Trunk: How to write about your life.”Write your own messy life, and let it spill out,” she says. What to ask a literary agent when you’re offered representation. From Casey McCormick at Literary Rambles. A guide to Search Engine Optimization for WordPress from a […]
I am so close to finishing* my manuscript that I’m giddy. Giddy! It helps that I love revising; turns out this is my favorite part of the process. Everything is right there on the page and all I have to do is make it better! But. Enough of me being overly excited (especially since the […]
Author Dani Shapiro said something in Monday’s interview that struck a chord with me: The art of memoir isn’t in discovering what happened, but rather, in how to tell the story. If she’d told me this before I wrote my memoir, I wouldn’t have believed her. Memoir is largely about recounting what happened during a […]
Back in July, I read an essay about the making of memoir by an author named Dani Shapiro. She really impressed me, both because she offered insight into the genre and because her piece was so beautifully written. Then I heard she was about to publish another memoir. And I thought, I want to read […]
I’m on a high, about to jump into my final round of revisions! But I’ll pause for a moment to compile some links for you from this week: The paradox of memoir, Ami Spencer writes, is the more personal details you reveal, the more readers will relate. Author James Patterson is a publishing machine. And […]
Every once in a while I come across a piece of writing advice that really resonates with me. And when I reviewed Elizabeth Gilbert’s Committed last week, I forgot to mention that she had one of these bits in her book. In Gilbert’s prologue, she writes about her difficulties writing Committed, how she ditched her […]
Don’t you love when your Google Reader is bursting with awesome information? So much good stuff out there this week, including several memoir-specific posts: From Pimp My Novel: The Importance of Negative Reviews. If reviewers don’t have anything nice to say, should they say anything at all? A guest blogger on Guide to Literary Agents […]