
Writing when you're ready

August 12, 2009

During memoirchat on Twitter last week, I told another writer of memoir how much trouble I’m having writing Chapter One. I’ve struggled with it for weeks, writing and re-writing, never feeling satisfied. Other chapters of the book have come easier than this, I explained. I’ve already written much of the middle of the story. She […]

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#memoirchat = Discussing memoir on Twitter

July 7, 2009

Writers of memoir, unite! Let’s chat on Twitter about some of the specific challenges to writing memoir. When: Wednesday, July 8, an hour-long chat starting at 8 p.m. EST. If there’s enough interest, we’ll consider making this weekly or bi-weekly. UPDATE: Now every other Wednesday. Where: #memoirchat How: If you want to participate but aren’t […]

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