I remember when I got my first smartphone nearly five years ago. I’d put off the purchase for quite a while, and when I finally gave in to the upgrade, I couldn’t believe the difference it made in my life. Taking email everywhere was life-changing: I no longer had to wait at home near my […]
We often hear about the value of saying “no.” It’s a popular productivity hack; learning to say no is one of the best ways to make time for your priorities. But here’s something productivity mavens often fail to emphasize: for this to work, you have to say “no” to things you actually WANT to do. […]
Do you ever open your email in the morning with the intention of spending just an hour or two sifting through messages, and then look up to find you’ve spent your entire day responding to emails? Or maybe you reach the end of the day and wonder, what the heck did I get done today? […]
Ever feel like your email is TAKING OVER YOUR LIFE?! Yeah, me too. I’ve been thinking a lot about how to organize and manage it, especially now that I’m overseeing Brazen Careerist’s blog. (Guest post submissions add significantly to my email pile.) When you work remotely, your main vehicle of communication is often email. That’s […]
I scared you for a second there, didn’t I? You thought I was — gasp! — moving out of my parents’ house! Don’t worry, I’m still the only 28-year-old you know who lives at home. But I did acquire an exciting piece of property today: a shiny new Dell laptop. I am convinced this is […]