
Writers' Roundup

October 23, 2009

That’s right, the Writers’ Roundup is back! She was on hiatus while I was at my artist’s residency, since I didn’t have much Internet access (and, quite frankly, I was trying to get away from blog responsibilities so I could focus on my book). Since I enjoy pulling together my favorite links from the week, […]

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Writers' Roundup

June 19, 2009

Lots of little bits of progress this week. My base daily goal is 1,000 new words on the manuscript (“new” words because in addition to that I often revise already-written scenes), and I’m keeping track of those goals via #writegoal on Twitter. If I tweet it, I will meet it! A handful of cool links […]

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Why writers should use Twitter

June 8, 2009

At a recent meeting with my critique group, I found myself explaining the merits of Twitter for writers. This was surprising since I was dead-set against Twittering just six months ago. I didn’t want another distraction in my life, and I didn’t understand why I needed Twitter when I already used Facebook. But Twitter is […]

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Writers' Roundup

June 5, 2009

It’s Friday already? Here’s what I’ve got for you this week: * Tips from the Huffington Post about how to actually get some writing done. * A fabulous weekly feature from Jane Friedman about the best tweets for writers. It’s similar to this post, but includes only Twitter messages. It’s also a great way to […]

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Queryday: Literary agents use Twitter to offer tips

April 17, 2009

I’ve just barely begun to explain my progress on this new blog, but I’ve got to interrupt regularly scheduled blog posts to bring you… Queryday. First, what’s a query? It’s a one-page letter to a literary agent, asking that s/he represent you and your project. If an agent likes your query, she’ll ask to see […]

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