That’s right, the Writers’ Roundup is back! She was on hiatus while I was at my artist’s residency, since I didn’t have much Internet access (and, quite frankly, I was trying to get away from blog responsibilities so I could focus on my book). Since I enjoy pulling together my favorite links from the week, […]
Lots of little bits of progress this week. My base daily goal is 1,000 new words on the manuscript (“new” words because in addition to that I often revise already-written scenes), and I’m keeping track of those goals via #writegoal on Twitter. If I tweet it, I will meet it! A handful of cool links […]
At a recent meeting with my critique group, I found myself explaining the merits of Twitter for writers. This was surprising since I was dead-set against Twittering just six months ago. I didn’t want another distraction in my life, and I didn’t understand why I needed Twitter when I already used Facebook. But Twitter is […]
It’s Friday already? Here’s what I’ve got for you this week: * Tips from the Huffington Post about how to actually get some writing done. * A fabulous weekly feature from Jane Friedman about the best tweets for writers. It’s similar to this post, but includes only Twitter messages. It’s also a great way to […]
I’ve just barely begun to explain my progress on this new blog, but I’ve got to interrupt regularly scheduled blog posts to bring you… Queryday. First, what’s a query? It’s a one-page letter to a literary agent, asking that s/he represent you and your project. If an agent likes your query, she’ll ask to see […]