work-life balance

Here’s Your Excuse to Stop Worrying About Chores and Spend More Time Living

June 15, 2015

I just finished barreling through productivity writer Laura Vanderkam’s new book, I Know How She Does It, on how women juggle careers and family. While it’s full of time-management gems, my biggest takeaway wasn’t how to save a few minutes here or there. Instead, this read served as a reminder that life should be my […]

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Why Work-Life Integration is a Better Goal Than Work-Life Balance

June 10, 2015

Everyone’s always talking about the importance of work-life balance — and how elusive it can be. But what if our conversations around work-life balance were all misguided? What if we started talking about work-life integration instead? That’s how productivity blogger Laura Vanderkam approaches it, and her take really resonates with me. Rather than forcing our workday […]

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Why Women Should Create a Flexible Career Before Having Kids

January 21, 2013

A few months ago, I went to an event here in D.C. with Anne-Marie Slaughter, author of the often-talked-about article in The Atlantic, Why Women Can't Have It All. The venue was packed with women in their 20s and 30s, ambitious women who were trying to figure out how they'd manage to have a family […]

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Get dressed? Hell no. I work from home.

June 11, 2009

Working at home is not turning out to be one of my strong suits. Aside from visiting the kitchen pantry every half hour, I’m easily distracted by everything from the mailman to the dust accumulating on my office windowsill. So it seemed fitting when a friend forwarded me an article about how to stay focused, […]

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