
Writers' Roundup: August 13

August 13, 2010

It’s Friday the 13th! Lucky, right? How Hollywood affected Eat, Pray, Love‘s book sales. So that’s why I want my book to be made into a movie. Writers have a lot of excuses for not using social media. Soon-to-be author Jody Hedlund tells us how to overcome them. Who are your favorite undderrated writers? From […]

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An update from YOU

July 28, 2010

I love communicating with readers of this blog, hearing about your projects over e-mail, getting updates on Twitter. It’s so great hearing from you that I’d like to take that private communication to another level — and introduce you all to each other. We’ve had successful blog parties here before, but lots of readers have […]

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Podcasts for writers

February 17, 2010

It’s been years since I’ve spent this much time on cardio machines at the gym. Don’t get me wrong; I’ve long been a compulsive exerciser. But in Houston, I ran outside all year round. And upstate New York? Not so much. So this winter, to pass the time on the treadmill, I tried something new: […]

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