Blogging is About Sharing Ah-Ha Moments

August 8, 2012

It’s a question bloggers get constantly: How do you come up with enough ideas to write about? How on earth do you think of something valuable to share several times each week?

The answer is that blogging mimics life.

You learn something in your life, and you re-learn it on your blog for your readers.

You make a connection, and you share it with your community.

You have an idea, and you turn it into a post lots of people can benefit from. You use that idea to create a ripple effect.

Blogging is about sharing ah-ha moments (click to tweet this idea).

So what was YOUR last ah-ha moment? How can you turn that into a blog post?

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    12 Replies to “Blogging is About Sharing Ah-Ha Moments”

    • Bonnee says:

      I think my last ah-ha moment was about developing one idea from another idea; an idea for a chapter-length book, which stemmed from the idea and writing of a short story. But they are definitely a good thing to blog about! I firmly believe sharing your own ah-ha moments helps other writers experience their own ah-ha moments, and that it helps give you a voice and credibility in the eyes of those who follow you. Thanks for sharing Alexis 🙂

    • Jade Craven says:

      I read about Blippar in marketing magazine. Am now writing a rather long blog post about the marketing implications and how it may become the next big thing, or it may become the tech that bridges QR and NFC. It makes sense in my head. The research has springboarded a lot of other ideas. This is why I buy a lot of magazines 🙂

    • Srinivas says:

      Of course mine always come from surfing. Yesterday I surfed a bigger than average day. The result was one of my most original posts on the hesitation. It will be out on Monday.

    • John Banks says:


      Ah-ha moments are great – I usually get several every day, but then I still don’t know which one to write about. Sometimes infomation overload kicks in! I think you really have to make sure the Ah-ha moment has enough material to turn it into a successful and worthwhile post. Often I think of great titles for blog posts but then write about 4 sentences then im done, so maybe not so Ah-ha after all.

      I think you really know when you have a great one – it literally takes over the whole day and train of thought! These are great and do not usually take very long to write…..

      Other ideas of mine tend to go way off the rails! I think sometimes I may try to punch above my weight but this is a ‘doers’ game and you have to act…. sometimes its best to dive in at the deepend and just see what happens.

      This is my first vist here and its a really great blog! I will be back…..
      Best Regards,

    • Hi Alexis. I found your website from your guest post on ProBlogger. I think that this point about sharing ah-ha moments on your blog is key. I’m constantly observing the things that are going on around me to see if their is a lesson I can learn from it and share with my readers. It’s our unique experiences and perspectives that make our voices stand out from the crowd.

    • Thomas James says:

      True. But most of writing too is about gaining income from a client online. Since some are writing about from products and services of education. Blogging shares of too many concepts to everyone. Thanks for sharing this “a must read” article.

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