Where Writing Meets Entrepreneurship

February 27, 2012

So many of you are trying to figure out how to make a living doing what you love — and you often want writing to be a significant part of that — that I’ve compiled SIX BIG IDEAS to help.

These ideas are inspiring and informative and will kick your butt into gear. If you’re a go-getter, you know nothing’s better than that!

How exactly will these ideas get you on the right path?

You'll learn why it's not asking too much to love your job, how calling yourself an “aspiring writer” is selling yourself short, plus one of the most brilliant pieces of writing advice I've ever received.

You’ll also learn how to prioritize your life so you can really make time to do what you love, and why you shouldn’t write with a huge audience in mind.

This is all practical, actionable information you can put into practice immediately to get moving towards a life you love.

The jam-packed freebie is only available to the Schemers and Leapers who receive The Traveling Writer newsletter — so sign up now for access! You can always unsubscribe if the content isn’t right for you… But hopefully you’ll find it a valuable complement to this blog. (And if you’re already subscribed, no need to sign up again.)

Where Writing Meets Entrepreneurship


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