Writing Contest for Bloggers and Reporters: Three $75 Prizes

June 15, 2014

I am constantly in search of top-notch writers who can blog. You’d think it would be easy to find good freelancers, especially considering we want to PAY them, but the truth is, it can be a difficult task. It’s not difficult to find writers, mind you; it’s difficult to find good writers. Why do I […]

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Entrepreneur Files: Why I’m Renting a Coworking Space

June 11, 2014

“Wait, I don’t get it. You want to get dressed and commute when you could work from home?” This is what one of my career-driven girlfriends said to me when I told her I’d rented an office space in downtown Washington, D.C. I get it, because that’s how I felt three years ago when I […]

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You Deserve to Love Your Job (My New Ebook) is Just 99 Cents This Week

May 19, 2014

My latest ebook, You Deserve to Love Your Job, is just 99 cents today through May 25. Why? Because it's that time of year when high school and college students leave the nest with one big expectation in front of them: FIND A JOB. Except the way we think about jobs sucks. Most of us […]

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The WiFi Tool That Allows You to Work Anywhere: Karma

May 12, 2014

When you run a digital business, there’s one thing you absolutely cannot work without: Internet access. It’s hella frustrating when you can’t get online, because that means you can’t get your work done. You know what I’m talking about, right? When your connection’s lackluster or nonexistent, you can’t respond to the emails in your inbox, […]

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What “Learning to Say No” Really Means

April 26, 2014

We often hear about the value of saying “no.” It’s a popular productivity hack; learning to say no is one of the best ways to make time for your priorities. But here’s something productivity mavens often fail to emphasize: for this to work, you have to say “no” to things you actually WANT to do. […]

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How We Earned $34,000 in 3 Days from a 9-Month-Old Website

April 1, 2014

Two weeks ago, my team and I got up at 6 a.m. to launch our biggest project yet: The Writer’s Bundle. An offer from The Write Life, the bundle was a package of nine ebooks and courses specifically for writers. The discount was steep — just $79 for more than $700 of products — and […]

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My Biggest Launch Ever is Live Today! A Fabulous Product for Writers

March 17, 2014

Like any good entrepreneur, I watch people. I watch entrepreneurs to see what they’re working on, and I watch everyone else to see what they want. Especially in the digital world where so many creators are open about successes and failures, watching is one of the best ways to learn. One of the fascinating trends […]

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MH370: How to Pretend You’re Working When You’re Actually Checking for Even a Minuscule Update on the Missing Plane

March 14, 2014

Before we even got out of bed this morning, while my boyfriend and I were laying side-by-side looking at our phones (as we do every morning while mustering motivation to start the day), Ben said to me, “Any news on the plane?” I hopped over to The New York Times to assess just as he […]

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What We’re Launching Next at The Write Life, Plus 8-Month Progress Report

March 7, 2014

Ever since we launched The Write Life eight months ago, writers have told us they want to improve their writing, with the goal of getting published, making a living as a freelancer or growing a following online. So we asked ourselves: What can we provide, beyond the blog posts we offer already, that will truly […]

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Selling Books on Amazon with Kindle Publishing: Results of Our Launch

February 24, 2014

Thanks to everyone who helped spread the word about the launch of my first Kindle book on, You Deserve to Love Your Job! And a special thanks to those of you who left Amazon reviews — that’s what will help this book continue to succeed. Because I shared behind-the-scenes details about the creation process and […]

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