In one word: terrifying. Actually, now that I’ve made the decision, now that there’s no going back, I feel excited. Since Monday, my first day of working independently, I’ve felt totally pumped! But a few weeks ago, while I was still deciding whether to make this move, I felt mostly terrified. I did not feel […]
I’m in Nicaragua. I’m so NOT in Nicaragua. I’d bought a ticket to fly there two days after my last day at work, with little plans other than than to find a zipline and get away from my computer. But as I was stuffing clothes into my pack the day before I was supposed to […]
The universe sends us opportunities when we least expect it. Sometimes those opportunities are veiled as disappointments, and sometimes we miss them altogether. But when we recognize them and jump, an amazing thing happens: the opportunities multiply. Which is why, when an appealing client came my way recently, I decided to go for it. Not […]
Big news here Monday. Yup, that’s all I’m gonna give you for now. Don’t try to convince me to tell you! Come back MONDAY! For now, lots of links: Mashable explains how to manage social media accounts for multiple clients. Why strategists — and everyone — should make stuff, from strategy director (though I’m not […]
This week my agent Rachelle Gardner answered a question that pops up again and again: If you self-publish, will that ruin your chances of ever getting published traditionally? Yet while we all hem and haw over whether to shoot for traditional publishing or use our platform to self-publish — and which is better for our […]
“Now that she had done it once, she had the itch.” — Tim Ferris in The 4-Hour Workweek
Even as my awesome agent and I prepare to pitch my first book to publishers — that’s my travel memoir about backpacking solo through Africa — we’re already coming up with a plan for Book No. 2. It’s a practical guide to taking a career break to travel, a kind of how-to version of my […]
Some exciting things happening on my end, projects I’m psyched to share with you in the coming weeks! For now, helpful and interesting links from this week: How to prioritize your life? Tackle your fears first, says Hey Amber Rae. I recently added this blog to my RSS feed; it’s awesome for inspiration. Author Jody […]
I've had a blast writing and now promoting my first e-guide, How to Build a Part-Time Social Media Business. So much fun, in fact, that I’m already scheming to writing another. While most of the time I spent on this project related to writing and editing, I put in a good number of hours figuring […]
More than a handful of you have asked how my new informational e-book is selling, and how much I’m making off the project. Since my transparency could help some of you succeed at similar ventures, here’s the breakdown three weeks after launch: Product: How to Build a Part-Time Social Media Business Launch post: Social Media […]