If you’ve found me through my guest post on Chuck Sambuchino’s blog, How Writers Can Use Twitter for Networking — Welcome! I know you’re here looking for more tips on how writers can get the most out of social media, so I’ve compiled a list of all of my posts that deal with that very […]
More than a month after moving my blog to this self-hosted site, I’m finally writing about my transition from WordPress.com to WordPress.org. Several readers have asked me whether it was difficult, presumably because they’re considering making the same transition. The answer: no. It wasn’t difficult. But it did take a lot of time, particularly to […]
Even though I’m now working a full-time job (which I LOVE so far), I’m planning to keep up with these weekly roundups. They require me to think critically about the better posts I read each week, which can only be good for me. Enjoy! The Online Journalism Review suggests five questions you should ask about […]
For authors looking to promote their books, book blogs present some awesome opportunities. But how do you know which bloggers will review your book? And what’s the best way to approach them? Here to enlighten us today is Jen Karsbaek, who reviews books at her blog, Devourer of Books. On Twitter, this Chicagoan is known […]
It’s been a week since I re-entered the mainstream workforce. To celebrate, I bring you… the view a block from my new office in Georgetown!
Instead of a writer’s round-up this week, I’d like to try something new. What are your favorite links from this week? Leave them below so we can check them out! And yes, feel free to include a post from your own blog, too. Looking forward to seeing whatcha got!
Anyone who knows anything about social media will tell you that companies should not pay someone to do social media for them. For the best results, they should learn to do it themselves. The same goes for individuals who are promoting themselves or their products, whether they want to sell books, build relationships with potential […]
From the beginning, I've been stubborn about following a model for my story arc. If I wrote a good story, I figured, it would have a natural arc without me obsessing over the “inciting incident” and “crisis” and “resolution.” If all authors stuck to a strict story arc template, I rationalized, books would be boring! […]
Hope everyone had a great week! My favorite links from the last few days: Helpful slide show on social media for bloggers, at Zombie Journalism. If you think you might ever want to publish a book, Jane Friedman offers an excellent publishing primer. The Creative Penn runs a podcast on Writing your Life Story, an […]
Since sharing some exciting news about my new job, a few friends and readers have asked, “What worked for you in your job hunt?” There are ways to look for a job, and there are smart and strategic ways to look for a job. In this competitive market, you're far more likely to succeed if […]