Writers' Roundup: June 4

June 3, 2010

As much as I love you all, it was nice to get away from the blog and Twitter and the noise of the Internet during my trip to Amsterdam. But now I’m back, knee-deep in my Google Reader and Twitter links to bring you my favorites. Chris Brogan says Your Blog is Not Your Job. […]

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Amsterdam = houseboats, hammocks and glitter

June 2, 2010

After 10 days in Amsterdam, I’m now officially ready to announce that I could live there. I liked it that much. I almost never say that about cities I visit (with the exception of Cape Town, South Africa). It’s definitely my favorite European city so far. Why’d I love the city so much? Maybe it’s […]

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When your friends get married in Amsterdam…

May 27, 2010

You know how in your late-20s you get tons of invitations to weddings, so many that you simply have to decline some to maintain a positive bank balance? That’s where I’m at. But one of those recent invites happened to be for a wedding in Amsterdam. No, not Amsterdam, NY, which is right up the […]

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Zoe Zolbrod on publishing with a small press

May 24, 2010

Most of the authors I interview on this blog write nonfiction, either memoir or travel writing or a combination of both, travel memoir. But today we’ve got a guest who has used her travel experience to inform a different type of writing: fiction. Zoe Zolbrod‘s first novel, Currency, which is set in Thailand, was released […]

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Writers' Roundup: May 21

May 21, 2010

Happy Friday! My favorite links from this week: Is travel writing becoming by and for the wealthy? Travel writer Jason Cochran brings up some good points in this post. Writer Courtney Kane says second-hand books come into our lives when we’re supposed to read them. Love it. Some advice on describing places in your travel […]

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Finding my voice through blogging

May 20, 2010

Literary agent Nathan Bransford had a great post recently on finding your literary voice. This is something I’ve been thinking about a lot as I dig into another revision of my travel memoir. One of the elements I’m focusing on is my voice. Rachelle says my voice is still too journalistic, not memoir-y enough. I […]

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Talking about tense: past vs. present

May 18, 2010

It occurred to me this week while revising: Would my story feel more alive if I wrote in present tense? I wrote my manuscript in past tense without giving it a thought. That’s the tense I’m used to from my journalism background, the kind that comes easy to me. But I’m reading Mary Morris‘ The […]

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Conference takeaway: It's all about how you tell the story

May 17, 2010

I had an Ah-Ha! Moment at the Compleat Biographers Conference this weekend. (Yes, there might be a biography in my future. But I’m not ready to share details yet.) We’ve all been told a million times that the success of a book depends on how the author tells the story. It doesn’t depend on the […]

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Writers' Roundup: May 14

May 14, 2010

Thanks to all of you who left encouraging notes on my good-news post this week. I feel your love! My list of links is short this week: From the Book Examiner, 30 famous authors who were once rejected. (I’ve already been rejected, so all I have to do to qualify is become famous!) I recently […]

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Quick plug for @travelmemoir

May 13, 2010

If you’re writing a travel memoir or enjoy reading them, hope you’ll follow @travelmemoir on Twitter. We’ll offer tips, helpful links and book recommendations, as well as notes about what’s going on in the Travel Memoir Writers Ning group. [tweetmeme source=”alexisgrant”] Should be a good resource.

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