Another reason writers should use Twitter

May 11, 2010

You all know I think writers should use Twitter. And Facebook. And other social media that helps you create your own community. Here’s yet another reason you should use Twitter: that’s how I connected with my agent. Well, not directly. I have long followed Rachelle because her tweets about publishing are helpful and entertaining. But […]

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On taking chances (and some good news)

May 9, 2010

The best things in life happen when we take chances. We all know it, and yet it’s still scary to leap into the unknown. During the last two years, I’ve taken a lot of chances. I left a reporting job I loved. I traveled alone in Africa. And I put off full-time employment to write […]

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Writers' Roundup: May 7

May 7, 2010

Some good things have happened over the last two weeks. Well, one good book-related thing in particular. I’ll share the details here on Monday. (Or you can follow me on Twitter, where I’ve already spilled the beans.) To hold you over, a few of my favorite links from this week: Author Dani Shapiro (who I […]

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A dozen tips for independent travelers

May 5, 2010

During my backpacking trip through Africa, there were so many moments when I though to myself, I’ve gotta remember this for the next time I travel. Like most independent travelers headed for developing countries (independent = travelers who aren’t with a group and figure out accommodation and other details as they go), I knew to […]

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Querying your memoir: manuscript or proposal?

May 3, 2010

So you’re writing a memoir. Should you complete your manuscript before approaching agents? Or query with only a proposal? I’ve touched on this topic here and here and here, but it comes up so often in the memoir-writing community — and there’s so little advice available online — that it’s time I addressed it outright. […]

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Writers' Roundup: April 30

April 30, 2010

Hooray for links! Mashable tells us how freelancers are using social media for real results. If you’re not doing this, you’re missing opportunities. MediaBistro’s GalleyCat offers a list of the best books on writing. Be sure to read through the comments for more recommendations. Why are chef’s memoirs popular with people who don’t care to […]

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The Baby-Sitters Club: Where are they now?

April 28, 2010

The release of The Baby-Sitters Club prequel got me to thinking: what are the girls doing now? They’d be in their early 30s, I believe. But beyond that, it’s all up to our imagination. Lots of women my age grew up reading — and, in my case, writing — because of the BSC. And I […]

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Six reasons to detour to Burkina Faso

April 26, 2010

Of the seven countries I visited during my backpacking trip, Burkina Faso was one of my favorites. It’s sandwiched between two West African countries that are popular with tourists – Mali to the north and Ghana to the south – and yet the French-speaking nation sees few visitors. Here’s why you should add this culture-rich […]

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Writers' Roundup: April 23

April 23, 2010

It’s Friday! That means links: The Boston Globe brings us the story of a Pulitzer-winning novelist who almost went unpublished. While we’re on the topic of Pulitzers, I also enjoyed this article from The Washington Post about what the prize won’t do for a reporter and the subjects of his work. Do tell-all memoirs really […]

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How to use social media to look for a job

April 21, 2010

Update: I’m now offering a social media course that will help you reach your job-search goals. It’s called Make Your Own Luck. Would love to have you! A lot has changed since the last time I was in the market for a job. Fresh out of j-school in 2005, I gave my resume and clips […]

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