Podcasts for writers

February 17, 2010

It’s been years since I’ve spent this much time on cardio machines at the gym. Don’t get me wrong; I’ve long been a compulsive exerciser. But in Houston, I ran outside all year round. And upstate New York? Not so much. So this winter, to pass the time on the treadmill, I tried something new: […]

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How do writers support themselves?

February 15, 2010

A reader found my blog this weekend by typing into Google: How do writers support themselves? I often wonder about this myself. I know there are authors out there who make a living off their books. (In fact, I met some this weekend at the fabulous Woodstock Writers Festival. You should go next year.) And […]

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Writers' Roundup: February 12

February 12, 2010

It’s the weekend! Time for links! From my favorite blogger, Penelope Trunk: How to write about your life.”Write your own messy life, and let it spill out,” she says. What to ask a literary agent when you’re offered representation. From Casey McCormick at Literary Rambles. A guide to Search Engine Optimization for WordPress from a […]

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Feedback YOU can use to edit your manuscript

February 10, 2010

Before I get to the meat of this post, some good news: I’m almost done* with my last round of revisions. That’s right, my LAST* round! I don’t want to say my manuscript will be complete by the end of the month, because we all know I never meet my self-imposed deadlines. I’m giving myself […]

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Mark your calendar: Twitter chat with author Dani Shapiro

February 10, 2010

Are you reading Dani Shapiro‘s new memoir, Devotion? I am! I am! Had to buy it after interviewing Dani earlier this month. Partly because I wished I had a book club to discuss it with, I asked Dani if she’d be interested in visiting a vitual book club, through a Twitter chat. She agreed! Details: […]

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How to use Facebook to — shhhh — promote your book

February 7, 2010

In my social circle, knowing how to use Facebook is like knowing how to read. It’s something we do every day, without thinking about it, like we were born knowing how. Of course, we know there are people in this world who don’t know how to read, but we rarely come into contact with them, […]

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Writers' Roundup: February 5

February 5, 2010

I am so close to finishing* my manuscript that I’m giddy. Giddy! It helps that I love revising; turns out this is my favorite part of the process. Everything is right there on the page and all I have to do is make it better! But. Enough of me being overly excited (especially since the […]

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Using themes to stay focused (& the importance of Post-its)

February 4, 2010

I keep a yellow Post-it note behind my computer. It reads: *Why you should follow your dream* Appreciate what you have Value of solo travel You can probably tell what these three phrases have in common: they’re themes in my book. Why you should follow your dream gets asterisks because it’s the main theme. I’m […]

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Discovering how to tell the story

February 3, 2010

Author Dani Shapiro said something in Monday’s interview that struck a chord with me: The art of memoir isn’t in discovering what happened, but rather, in how to tell the story. If she’d told me this before I wrote my memoir, I wouldn’t have believed her. Memoir is largely about recounting what happened during a […]

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Dani Shapiro on Devotion, memoir & evolving as a writer

February 1, 2010

Back in July, I read an essay about the making of memoir by an author named Dani Shapiro. She really impressed me, both because she offered insight into the genre and because her piece was so beautifully written. Then I heard she was about to publish another memoir. And I thought, I want to read […]

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