
Stop Talking About Your Mountains

November 26, 2012

Read more about climbing your mountains. Or share this image on Twitter. I’ve also posted this on my Facebook page, if you want to click and share from there.

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How to Take a Vacation When You Work for Yourself

November 19, 2012

Working for yourself doesn’t come with paid vacation, and it can feel difficult to get away. Self-employment gives you control over your schedule, which means you can organize your work around your life (rather than the other way around) and take time off when you need it. But if you want to take off more […]

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6 Tips for Overcoming the Scary Financial Uncertainty of Working for Yourself

October 24, 2012

Working for yourself can be scary. The biggest reason why? You don’t always know how much money you’ll make each month. In fact, this can be SO scary that it keeps a lot of people who would love to work for themselves chained to their employer’s cubicle. When you work for a company, you can […]

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Freelancers: Quit Agonizing Over Your Fees and Do This Instead

October 2, 2012

Last week I wrote a post that was a LONG time coming, about how much to charge for social media services. Yet while freelancers and consultants tend to agonize over our fees, that’s really not the most important piece of making a living on your own terms. The most important piece isn’t whether you charge […]

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Are Freelancers Happier Than Full-Time Employees?

September 25, 2012

Self-employment — or freelancing or solopreneurship or consulting or whatever you want to call it — isn’t for everyone. But a new survey from Elance makes it look pretty darn appealing. The average freelancer expects to earn 43 percent MORE next year than they did this year, the survey shows. That’s huge compared to traditional […]

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The Biggest Risk in Life

September 24, 2012

This photo from Escape the City is so worth sharing — and living by (via The Art of Non-Conformity). If you’re reading in RSS or email, you might need to enable images to see this.

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11 Lessons from a Year of Full-Time Entrepreneurship

August 29, 2012

Now that I’ve been running my own business for a year, an awesome reader requested a lessons-learned post. So here are 11 lessons I picked up during my first year of work freedom: 1. Who you work with has a huge effect on your happiness. And one of the best parts of working for yourself […]

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My One-Year Anniversary of Work Freedom (Plus a Sale to Celebrate!)

August 20, 2012

One year ago today, I became my own boss. My transition from day job to entrepreneurship was scary, thrilling and challenging. When I quit my 9-to-5, I was worried about disappointing my boss and colleagues, stressed about bringing in enough money to live solely off my own business, and unsure how to structure days, weeks […]

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One Major Disadvantage of Working for Yourself

August 15, 2012

When I decided to leave my day job and work on my business full time, one of the first things my dad-slash-financial-advisor helped me with was figuring out how much money I needed to earn — both to maintain my standard of living and to meet my life and financial goals. Because while there are […]

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When Your Morning Commute Is Backward

August 13, 2012

Most mornings I wake up and roll over to my computer, still in my pajamas. Within minutes I’m working on my projects: creating a new digital course or brainstorming ways to promote my newest guide or editing blog posts for client Brazen Careerist. I so love this work that I like to get started first […]

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