Ever read a blog post that resonates with you through and through? One you keep thinking about, even after you’ve closed your browser? If you’re working toward a big goal, don’t miss this piece from Josh Linkner on Fast Company: The Dirty Little Secret of Overnight Success. Here are the first few graphs: Angry Birds, […]
I’ve been thinking about writing Book No. 2. Thinking a lot. And outlining. Enough that it’s time to share this blossoming project with you. Here’s the idea — no, better yet, the working title: Creating Your Own Career: How to Make the Gig Economy Work for You. How now, more than ever before, it’s possible […]
If you have even the slightest entrepreneurial bone in your body, you won’t want to miss this. And read it NOW, because you only have until midnight Tuesday — yeah, that’s tomorrow — to take advantage. The women behind Women's Money Week have put together more than $1,800 worth of resources that will help you […]
During the week between Christmas and New Year’s, a friend lamented how her boss was making her team come into the office, even though there was little to do. This friend was actually trying to come up with tasks to keep herself busy at work. We’ve all been there. Who hasn’t found themselves in that […]
I’ve had this post in my queue for weeks, partly because I wanted to force myself to set ONE big priority for the coming year. Then, over the weekend, Problogger named me as one of their 20 Bloggers to Watch in 2012. After a few fist pumps (and watching sales comes in on my social […]
If you make one resolution this year, make it this: to take ownership of your life. That means no excuses on creating the life you want to live. It means working through obstacles to get where you want to be, and it means not forgetting that you deserve what you want. This sounds simple, but […]
The most difficult part of cobbling together my own income is not bringing in clients. It’s not self-marking and promotion. It’s not even making enough money. What I’m finding to be the most challenging is juggling a lot of balls at once. Ironically, that’s also the best part of being a solopreneur. I don’t have […]
Here’s a cool example of how to make money online — one that could help you make money online (or sell your book or build a brand or grow a company), too. Bloggers Adam Baker and Karol Gajda have put together a package of products for entrepreneurs. Except it’s not really just for entrepreneurs. It […]
I’m always fascinated to hear how young professionals manage to succeed with a side hustle. Working on a project or even growing a business on the side of your day job is not only becoming more popular, it’s also a fabulous way to move toward your professional goals. That’s why I wanted to chat with […]
When I mentioned to an acquaintance recently that my next goal is to figure out how to travel while working, she said something like, “Well, that should be easy. You can work wherever you want.” Which is technically true — I can work wherever I want. And I do take advantage of that, moving between […]