
I Was Sleep-Deprived, Breastfeeding… And Asked to Speak on Stage

May 14, 2021

Just a few months after giving birth to my second child, I was invited to give an on-stage presentation. Could I do it?

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What Does It Take to Build a Low-Stress Startup?

April 21, 2021

What does it look like to opt out of hustle culture, and create a startup that’s low stress, small team and high profit?

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Do This With Your Company Website, And You’ll Be Miles Ahead of Everyone Else

March 8, 2021

As a founder, you have a huge opportunity to create a connection and foster trust. But if you don’t share your story and make it easy to find, potential customers won’t even have a chance to like you.

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What to Do When You Don’t Know What You Want

March 1, 2021

It’s possible to turn uncertainty into a season of moving forward. Here’s the key: Don’t focus on the outcome. Instead, focus on the exploration.

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Applying the Rule of Compound Interest to Your Career

February 22, 2021

This is the story of how early investments I made in myself and my business paid off, why I think of my career in phases, and why you should invest in yourself, too.

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Do Content Companies Need a Task-Management Tool?

January 23, 2021

I surveyed small- to medium-sized companies about which tools they use to plan, create and publish content. Here’s what they told me.

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An SEO Playbook:
How We Increased The Write Life’s Traffic to 460K Monthly Pageviews

January 13, 2021

There’s a misconception that SEO is bad for the reader. But it is absolutely possible to optimize your content in a way that benefits both the reader and search engines. 

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Where to Find and Hire Freelance Writers: 47 Websites and Communities

December 10, 2020

When looking to hire high-quality freelance writers, I usually turn to my network first. After that, I put out feelers in these websites and groups.

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For Fast-Growth Startups That Invest in Content, This is a Game-Changer

December 7, 2020

Why the scarcity mindset is pervasive in content teams, and how to help your team push past it.

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What Our Tech Stack Looks Like for The Writer’s Bundle

September 14, 2020

The Writer’s Bundle: Freelance Writing Edition, a 3-day offer from The Write Life, launches Monday, Sept. 14. Here are the tools we’re using to run the online sale.

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