One of the ways my team measures our results for clients is by offering an end-of-month metrics report. What it details depends on exactly what we do for the client, but it could include Twitter growth and engagement stats, blog growth stats, newsletter open rates and more. Because we are treating The Write Life like […]
When you launch a new website, every little win feels like cause for celebration. So you can imagine the celebratory dance I did when I saw The Write Life had made it to the top of Google. It looked something like this: Coming up first when someone searches for “The Write Life” has been […]
Now that I’ve been running my own business for a year, an awesome reader requested a lessons-learned post. So here are 11 lessons I picked up during my first year of work freedom: 1. Who you work with has a huge effect on your happiness. And one of the best parts of working for yourself […]
When you run your own business in this digital world, it’s easy to spend all day, every day on tasks like social media and blogging and networking. Those tasks help us earn a living indirectly, and they add up to long-term success. That’s why helping others, building a community and creating buzz online do deserve […]
Here’s a cool example of how to make money online — one that could help you make money online (or sell your book or build a brand or grow a company), too. Bloggers Adam Baker and Karol Gajda have put together a package of products for entrepreneurs. Except it’s not really just for entrepreneurs. It […]