
The view from my run this morning

September 28, 2010

Can’t write all the time. Gotta take time out for running.

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If you’re bad at something, should you still do it?

September 13, 2010

I’ve never been good at running. Sure, I’m good at making myself run, at getting my butt out the door for a morning jog. That’s because running makes me feel good, keeps me healthy and helps me relieve stress. Plus, I do some of my best thinking while pounding the pavement or the trails. But […]

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More than a run: A lesson from Africa

May 30, 2009

When I ran the Freihofer’s Race for Women six years ago, I had just returned from my first trip to Africa. I had lived with a polygamous family in Cameroon and developed friendships with the four co-wives. The women had inspired me, showing both physical and spiritual strength when they had so little of everything […]

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