
Can you tell I'm a fashionista?

March 11, 2010

Is it cool that I’m wearing the same clothes in all the travel photos on this site? Yeah, when you backpack solo through Africa you get pretty close with your two red t-shirts.

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Alastair Humphreys: Make a living doing what you love

March 10, 2010

Figuring out how to make a living doing what you love is one of life’s biggest challenges. But Alastair Humphreys has made it happen — and he’s our guest today. Alastair calls himself an “adventurer” — a title that makes me oh-so-jealous. He has biked around the world, an expedition that took him four years. […]

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Aspiring Author becomes The Traveling Writer

March 8, 2010

Notice anything new here today? Aspiring Author has become The Traveling Writer! I’ve thought for a long while about revamping this blog with a name change that would give me room to write about a broader range of topics, hopefully growing my audience. It’s time to take the leap! Those of you who read this […]

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