
Join The Traveling Writer community on Twitter

August 25, 2010

A writing friend just joined Twitter, and I’m trying to come up with suggestions of tweeps for her to follow. That got me to thinking: wouldn’t it be awesome if I could give her a list of all the readers of this blog? A while back I built a Twitter list that includes members of […]

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Writers' Roundup: August 6

August 6, 2010

You know the drill… Time for links! Should you write for free? (I say no.) The Traveling Philosopher weighs in on what he calls the devaluation of words at the Huffington Post. If you’re still not sure you should use Twitter (haven’t I convinced you already?), literary agent Janet Reid offers yet another reason. I […]

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Writers' Roundup: July 9

July 9, 2010

My favorite links from this week: Journalist David Farley tells MediaBistro’s GalleyCat how he turned his travel reporting into a book deal. Travel memoir folks, listen to this one. Eleven important elements of a novel or memoir, from literary agent Michael Larsen. When backstory helps your writing — and when it hinders it. Solid advice […]

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Writers' Roundup: July 2

July 2, 2010

Wow, lots less time to go through my Google Reader this week now that I have clients! But it’s a good trade. Here’s what I’ve got for you: At The Huffington Post, a publicist asks, Does Twitter sell books? Why, yes. Yes it does. Punky Brewster is coming out with a memoir! Well, the woman […]

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Writers' Roundup: June 11

June 11, 2010

As usual, my favorite links from the week! Pretty eclectic mix today: Advice on asking questions from a reporter-turned-stock-analyst. I love the art of asking questions, and Andrea James is right on the mark. A hilarious yet so-true post at Dating Detox on the pros and cons of being single and in a relationship. I […]

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Writers' Roundup: May 14

May 14, 2010

Thanks to all of you who left encouraging notes on my good-news post this week. I feel your love! My list of links is short this week: From the Book Examiner, 30 famous authors who were once rejected. (I’ve already been rejected, so all I have to do to qualify is become famous!) I recently […]

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A dozen tips for independent travelers

May 5, 2010

During my backpacking trip through Africa, there were so many moments when I though to myself, I’ve gotta remember this for the next time I travel. Like most independent travelers headed for developing countries (independent = travelers who aren’t with a group and figure out accommodation and other details as they go), I knew to […]

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Jumping on The Lunatic Express with Carl Hoffman

April 19, 2010

When I tell people I traveled by myself through Africa, they often ask: Were you ever really scared? They’re expecting a story about being attacked by men with machetes or feeling alone in my hostel at night. But the truth is, I was most scared when packed into overcrowded bush taxis on dangerous roads. Every […]

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Tips for blogging from developing countries

April 5, 2010

I don’t usually repost pieces that I write for other publications, but this one is particularly useful to travel writers: 10 Tips for Blogging from Developing Countries It’s about how to keep your blog alive and healthy when your Internet connection isn’t. Posted at the Matador Network. Check out additional hints in the comments, too.

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Writers' Roundup: April 2

April 2, 2010

I’ve noticed something about my weekly roundups: when I include a ton of links, readers don’t click through them all. So from now on, I’ll only include the best of the best, my absolute faves. And my list is never just about writing. Maybe it’s time to change the name of this weekly feature? Without […]

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