
Why So Many Projects Go Unfinished, and How to Finish Them

November 2, 2014

Most of us have at least a handful of unfinished projects: a half-written novel on our virtual shelf, a blog that never made it past the first three posts, a body that isn’t quite as healthy or fit as we want it to be. Sometimes we make conscious decisions to put aside these projects when […]

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My Biggest Launch Ever is Live Today! A Fabulous Product for Writers

March 17, 2014

Like any good entrepreneur, I watch people. I watch entrepreneurs to see what they’re working on, and I watch everyone else to see what they want. Especially in the digital world where so many creators are open about successes and failures, watching is one of the best ways to learn. One of the fascinating trends […]

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Why You Should Write for Free (Or What Tim Kreider Should Do Instead of Complaining)

October 29, 2013

Last weekend The New York Times featured an opinion piece called, Slaves of the Internet, Unite! The column revolved around a topic that seems to gain steam every few months: whether writers should write for free. The author, essayist Tim Kreider, argued, quite emphatically, that the answer is no. He even went so far to […]

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A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Launching a Big Website

July 15, 2013

The Write Life is live! This resource for writers has been a vision for more than a year, and we’ve finally brought it to life. The goal of the multi-author blog is to help writers create, connect and earn. So what does it take to launch a big website? A whole LOT of work — […]

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When Is It Time to Scale Your Business?

January 15, 2013

I started my business — helping other small businesses with content strategy like blogging, email marketing and social media — with one big goal in mind: supporting my lifestyle. My business allows me to put my writing skills to use and still have plenty of time to focus on my own brand, namely my guides […]

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Q&A: Chuck Sambuchino on the Writer’s Platform

December 10, 2012

Whether you’re looking to self-publish or go the traditional publishing route, your writer’s platform — aka how you’ll sell the book — is more important than ever. So it was smart for Chuck Sambuchino, who has become an expert on the topic of platform, to write a book about it. Chuck was here a year […]

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A Writer’s Colony Lesson You Can Apply to You Career (Even If You’re Not a Writer)

September 10, 2012

When you're at a writer's colony, time moves differently. It moves more slowly, more smoothly. And it stretches out, so 10 days feels like a month. That's partly because of the solitude. If you're not used to spending time alone, in silence, with only crickets for company, 10 days can feel like a long time. […]

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Where Writing Meets Entrepreneurship

February 27, 2012

So many of you are trying to figure out how to make a living doing what you love — and you often want writing to be a significant part of that — that I’ve compiled SIX BIG IDEAS to help. These ideas are inspiring and informative and will kick your butt into gear. If you’re […]

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To Make a Living as a Writer, Be More Than a Writer

January 19, 2012

It is NOT a pipe dream, the idea of making a living as a writer. Lots of people do it successfully. But here’s the secret: you have to be more than a writer. You have to be an expert on a topic or a creator or an entrepreneur or a salesman — or maybe a […]

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Writing, Blogging & Your Career: The Best of 2011

December 30, 2011

Happy almost New Year! 2011 brought a lot of new members to The Traveling Writer community — Thank you for joining us! You are what makes this blog awesome. My goal here, beyond creating that community, is to be useful to you. So to celebrate the closing of 2011, here are some of my most […]

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