How to Take a Vacation When You Work for Yourself

November 19, 2012

Working for yourself doesn’t come with paid vacation, and it can feel difficult to get away. Self-employment gives you control over your schedule, which means you can organize your work around your life (rather than the other way around) and take time off when you need it. But if you want to take off more […]

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Writers’ Roundup: November 16

November 16, 2012

Who’s ready for Thanksgiving week?! I’m turning it into a one-week email and social media detox… Details on the blog Monday about how I’m hoping to pull it off. For now, a bunch of reads to last you until the holiday: Find out how to land a new opportunity even if you don’t have relevant […]

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Coming to a Facebook Feed Near You

November 14, 2012

With a big blog redesign coming up, it’s finally time to start a Facebook page for my blog and biz! This hasn’t been the right move for me for a while (here’s why), but I think it’s time, partly because I have so much to share that doesn’t belong on this blog or in my […]

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4 Compelling Reasons to Make Guest Blogging a Priority

November 12, 2012

Next month I’m offering a free webinar on the magic of guest blogging. Sign up to join us! My plan is to spend most of the hour on HOW to get your posts placed on popular blogs, how to get editors to say YES to your guest posts. But I realized while putting together the […]

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Writers’ Roundup: November 9

November 9, 2012

Hope everyone had a healthy and productive week! Here are this week’s finds from around the web: At Zen Habits, Leo asks: is health insurance a bad investment if you work for yourself? Worth reading if you’re already on your own or thinking about moving in that direction. What a cool spin on publishing: Fast […]

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Q&A: Freelance Blogging with Tom Ewer of Leaving Work Behind

November 7, 2012

Freelance blogging is becoming an increasingly popular revenue stream for writers. But can you actually make good money from blogging? And how do you get started? Tom Ewer, a freelance writer and internet marketer, is here to answer those questions. Tom quit his job in 2011 and has been helping people to do the same […]

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Why Facebook Groups Should Be a Bigger Part of Your Social Media Strategy

November 5, 2012

Want more social media tips? Check out How to Create a Freakin’ Fabulous Social Media Strategy. When people talk about using Facebook for promotional and engagement, they usually focus on building a page. But pages aren’t the only way to galvanize your community. Here’s another incredibly effective yet under-utilized way to grow a following and […]

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Writers’ Roundup: November 2

November 2, 2012

Happy November! Still thinking of everyone affected by Hurricane Sandy this week. For those of you who do have power, here are a few weekend reads: “Spending your precious time and energy focusing on other people’s issues is a waste.” That’s why Ryan Ferrier says you should take ownership of your life. If you’re in […]

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What Would Your Life Be Like If You Started Thinking Differently?

October 31, 2012

Really. Stop and think about it for a moment. What if you approached everything with a more open mind, without the assumptions and obligations that keep you from living the life you want? That’s what Leo Babauta asks in his post on our willingness to think differently. He writes: It means you have to be […]

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Finding a Company That’s Good for Your Career

October 29, 2012

Old-school companies and organizations hire people for specific positions, then stifle ideas and growth to keep people in those positions (where they drown in boredom and frustration). Forward-looking companies and organizations hire people with skills, potential and, most importantly, an eagerness to learn, and nurture those employees (who then help the company succeed). Which kind […]

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