When I meet blog readers and Twitter followers in person, they often remark that I put a lot of content into the world. Editors have said I’m prolific. And Problogger called me a “publishing powerhouse.” Whenever these compliments come my way, they’re often followed with a question: How do I do it? How will I […]
Happy weekend! Start it off on the right foot with some fantastic reads: If you’ve thought about hosting a guest post series on your blog, Darren Rowse at Problogger offers some ideas on how to make it successful. Addicted? Leadership coach Michael Hyatt has a few tips for breaking bad habits, no matter what your […]
I first thought seriously about outsourcing when I read Tim Ferris’ book, The Four-Hour Work Week. Outsourcing isn’t about laziness, he convinced me, it’s about efficiency. But it’s easier said than done to hand over tasks that are important to your business. I like to do everything myself because I want things just so. I […]
When you’re building your own business, figuring out how to make money doing what you love, there’s always more to learn. That’s part of the reason why I love working for myself: I have the freedom to choose challenging projects, ones that give me opportunities to learn along the way. So for the last few […]
Good morning! Here’s a great batch of articles to start your weekend: Leo Babauta at Zen Habits has written a step-by-step how-to for meditation — I’d love to try this. Would you consider it? What composes the foundation of your relationships? Convenience? Proximity? Minimalist Joshua Millburn challenges us to let go of shitty relationships, the […]
During j-school, whenever I didn’t feel like going for a run, a friend used to remind me: The more you don’t feel like doing it, the more you probably should. I thought of those words when I read Tim Ferris’ book, The 4-Hour Workweek. “Usually, what we most fear doing is what we most need […]
Do you ever have a day where you’re SO EXCITED to work on your projects that you can’t focus on anything else? I’ve been having a lot of those days lately. I’m excited about: My next book about creating your own career My next ebook about how to create a freakin’ awesome social media strategy […]
It’s Friday! Got some disappointing news this week: a rejection from a writer’s colony in Connecticut, I-Park. Unfortunately, that was the ONLY residency I applied to this year. So for the first time since 2008, I’ll be without a colony experience. Honestly though, I think this happened for a reason: so I could focus on […]
Ever read a blog post that resonates with you through and through? One you keep thinking about, even after you’ve closed your browser? If you’re working toward a big goal, don’t miss this piece from Josh Linkner on Fast Company: The Dirty Little Secret of Overnight Success. Here are the first few graphs: Angry Birds, […]
Want to free yourself from your day job? My eguide is full of practical advice: How I Surpassed My Day Job Income in Just 6 Months of Self-Employment. “Making money online” screams SCAM! Kinda like money growing on trees, right? Even if you understand that it IS possible to make money online, the phrase is […]