When you start your own business, money doesn’t exactly grow on the tree in your backyard. Every dollar you spend is one less dollar you have to pay your rent, which means you think hard about spending those dollars. My business has a low overhead because a lot of the tools I use are free. […]
The Writer’s Roundup is out this week, since I’ve only returned from my much-needed Internet hiatus yesterday. Instead, I’d love to use this as an opportunity for us to get to know each other and our blogs. So I hope you’ll give us the link to the best post you published on your own blog […]
Here’s what always strikes me at artist’s colonies: You can get to know a person over a period of weeks, eating meals together and becoming friends, and still not know the whole story behind their work. You can grow close to a novelist without realizing he’s published 20 books and enjoy a painter’s company without […]
One of the tips I often give to clients as a blog coach is to make your blog about more than you. Your posts should be infused with your personality, but on the whole they should be about relatable topics your readers are interested in, not just you. So as I sit here in my […]
Years ago I never would have envisioned myself becoming an entrepreneur. I’ve long been a creator and an innovator, but entrepreneurship seemed a long ways off, mostly because business — and by that, I mean the financial side — wasn’t my forte. And yet here I find myself delving into entrepreneurship. I’m building a business […]
If you’re interested in learning more about how I’m cobbling together an income doing what I love (or simply wonder what my voice sounds like), check out this interview! I’m planning to blog more about the logistics of having several income streams rather than a full-time job, so this interview with Tim Jahn of Entrepreneurs […]
The Writer’s Roundup is on vacation until I’m back from my writer’s residency. Every writer’s colony is its own little world. Here at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, the Little World includes about 20 artists (mostly fiction writers), a few horses, three meals a day in the dining room and studios in a […]
I have a confession to make. After my recent post about how I’m considering releasing my next project — a how-to- guide on taking a career break to travel — on my own rather than aiming for traditional publishing, a few of you wrote me notes about bookstores where the book might fit, how I’ll […]
In my latest survey, many of you said you’d like to read more about how to take a Leap in life. So I’m giving you just that — in a newsletter that’s delivered right to your inbox! This isn’t one of those annoying newsletters that clog your inbox every day and repeat word-for-word what you’ve […]
We talk a lot on this blog about following dreams, and that’s exactly what Torre DeRoche blogs about at The Fearful Adventurer. The Aussie also writes about facing her fears and the process of publishing her first book, which makes her a pretty perfect fit for an author Q&A here. Torre recently released her first […]