Happy July! I hope you’ll check out this month’s sponsor, C. Hope Clark of FundsforWriters.com, a fabulous resource on grants, contests and markets for your writing. If you haven’t already signed up for her free weekly newsletter, you can do so here. Interested in getting the word out about your service or product? Check out […]
A good friend once wrote to me, “Complaining is great so long as it prompts action.” That’s why I don’t mind when friends complain to me about work. What I do mind is when they complain about work and then don’t do anything about it. We all make this mistake once in a while — […]
I’ve long been a Hootsuite advocate, teaching clients and colleagues how the tool can help you use Twitter effectively and save time. But two weeks ago Hootsuite made a change that has its community up in arms. The company added a publisher function that allows teams of users to better coordinate. Great feature. Except that […]
“D.C. was GREAT! They’ve got dirty, old chicken bones on the sidewalk, just waiting to be eaten! Sometimes they’re hidden, but if you scrounge around in the weeds a little, you’re sure to find a snack. And lots of new people to fool into giving you extra bones! Oh, and the dogs! A new friend […]
What’s new this week? I’m tearing through Tim Ferris’ The 4-Hour Workweek; can’t wait to blog about it here or on my bookshelf Tumblr. Interesting links from the last few days: How do you know when a project is done? Don’t aim for perfect, says Seth Godin. My BFF AJ had a post on this […]
“If you say you never could do that, you certainly never will. But every one of those obligations is a choice. Getting up in the morning is a choice. Taking your kids to that game, going to work. You face hundreds of choices every day, and you just keep saying yes, yes, yes to them. […]
Whenever I discover what I call a game-changer, I tell you about it. Hootsuite was a game-changer for my Twitter strategy. Google Reader was a game-changer for keeping up with the more than 200 blogs I read regularly. Your Life as Story was a game-changer for how to tell my tale of backpacking solo through […]
A quick note before we get started: I sometimes link to online classes at MediaBistro, mainly their travel writing and memoir classes. They’re now offering an affiliate program, which means when you buy a class through the link on my site, I get a cut. Affiliate opportunities are cool because they allow bloggers like me […]
I tend to think owning a home in your twenties or early thirties is over-rated. There are great reasons to buy, like wanting life to feel stable for your kids, or turning a fixer-upper into a project, or if it makes sense financially. And I mean really makes sense financially for you, not just that […]
The National Association of Memoir Writers‘ recent teleconference on travel writing got some gears turning in my head — so I figure it might be useful for you, too. More than 300 people signed up to listen live or get this audio after the event! If you missed it, here’s the audio for when you […]