The tricky part about moving to is convincing y’all to follow me here. If you subscribed by RSS to my old blog, you’ve got to re-subscribe here. Stinks, I know. If you subscribed to my old blog via e-mail, you’re all set. No need to re-subscribe because I changed the settings for you.* And […]
Thanks for following me to my new cyber-home! Because I know you’re dying to hear what I sound like, I’ve got my first-ever video to welcome you to I’ll also include highlights below in case you’d prefer to read instead. And yeah, it wouldn’t be my first blog video if my eyes weren’t closed. […]
A writing friend just joined Twitter, and I’m trying to come up with suggestions of tweeps for her to follow. That got me to thinking: wouldn’t it be awesome if I could give her a list of all the readers of this blog? A while back I built a Twitter list that includes members of […]
If you’ve ever thought about giving up as a writer, this Q&A is for you. Laura Munson wrote 14 books over the last 20 years, while juggling responsibilities as a stay-at-home mom and freelance writer. But not one of those books was published — until now. Laura’s a Modern Love success story. Her book, This […]
Friday means links! Author Dani Shapiro on the importance of alone time, and finding the balance between thinking about life and actually living it. Short but super post from The Mobile Lawyer about how travel inspires memory. A must-read for travel memoirists. Six steps to a prettier blog — without a designer. Awesome tips from […]
I am LOVING blog coaching. Loving it! Here’s how this developed: I enjoyed helping friends who were new to blogging — showing them how to set up a blog, brainstorming what to write about and figuring out how to build a readership. And now I’m including that service as part of Socialexis! It’s so great […]
We all know how distracting social media can be. Sometimes I’ll sit down to work on a chapter of my book, turn to Twitter or Facebook or my blog just for a minute, and when I finally look up, it’s two hours later. It’s not that I’m wasting time on these networks. I’m not playing […]
It’s Friday the 13th! Lucky, right? How Hollywood affected Eat, Pray, Love‘s book sales. So that’s why I want my book to be made into a movie. Writers have a lot of excuses for not using social media. Soon-to-be author Jody Hedlund tells us how to overcome them. Who are your favorite undderrated writers? From […]
… and landed on my blog, you made my day. Thank you! Best women’s travel memoir comin’ right up.
Melanie at So Very Vienna! Congrats! Let’s get in touch about the prize from Indie Travel Media: a copy of Stephanie Lee’s e-book, The Art of Solo Travel.