Blog Party! Pop in and say hi.

August 18, 2009

Literary agent Rachelle Gardner recently held a party over at her blog, encouraging readers to introduce themselves in the comments. It was a brilliant idea — A great way to connect with other writers and make a few new online friends. Such a brilliant idea, in fact, that I’m going to steal it, and throw […]

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Don't forget you can write anywhere

August 17, 2009

One of the great things about writing is that it can be done anywhere. My family vacationed last week in the middle of nowhere, Virginia. No, I didn’t write while lounging on the dock or sunbathing on our pontoon boat. I took this week off! The only book work I allowed was thinking, since I […]

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Writers' Roundup

August 14, 2009

Hey loyal readers, I’m on vacation this week, so I’m leaving you with just one link, to a new and fabulous blog, Little House on the Southern Prairie. It’s written by a former journalist who recently decided to simplify her life. She’ll make you think. Have a great weekend!

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Writing when you're ready

August 12, 2009

During memoirchat on Twitter last week, I told another writer of memoir how much trouble I’m having writing Chapter One. I’ve struggled with it for weeks, writing and re-writing, never feeling satisfied. Other chapters of the book have come easier than this, I explained. I’ve already written much of the middle of the story. She […]

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Quinn Cummings & Notes from the Underwire

August 10, 2009

Every writer has a story of how she went from idea to manuscript to publication. With us today to share her journey is Quinn Cummings, author of the recently released Notes from the Underwire: Adventures from My Awkward and Lovely Life. Hyperion Books, Quinn’s publisher, on the book: From fighting off a catnip-addled cat to […]

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Writers' Roundup

August 7, 2009

Links! Links! Literary agent Nathan Bransford had a few guest bloggers this week, including one who wrote about the fine art of getting blurbs, or quotes from established authors that help promote your book. Did you know the Twilight publisher said, at first, that it would be crazy to sign the first-time author for a […]

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Detour today to Write Out Loud

August 6, 2009

Usually I ask the questions. But today at Write Out Loud, Ami Spencer interviews me! So head on over to Ami’s blog, where I’ll share the most important lesson I’ve learned so far about writing a memoir.

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What do you want to know about Africa?

August 4, 2009

At a family reunion this weekend, I was peppered with questions about Africa. I didn’t mind. Conversations about my travels often serve as writing prompts, reminding me of details to include in my book. That’s why I’m asking you: What would you like to know about Africa? Are you curious about what people there eat? […]

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(Writerly) Lessons I Learned from Journalism

August 3, 2009

I whine a lot about how writing news on deadline stifled my creativity. But as I transition from newspaper reporter to author, I’m realizing that journalism taught me a handful of lessons that apply to writing a book, reminders that can benefit even non-journos. Do readers care? If my manuscript came across my reporter’s desk […]

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Writers' Roundup

July 31, 2009

I haven’t given my book enough attention this week. In between struggling with Chapter One, I’ve been working on a few freelance pieces since, well, they pay the bills and right now the book doesn’t. I’ve got this great travel piece about Madagascar’s parks, a how-to-go-there-yourself article I began writing months ago and am finally […]

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