Remember this beautiful cover y’all voted on a while back? The guide is now READY. It’s HERE! It’s just WAITING for you to download! One reader told me this is my best work yet — and I totally agree. I’m proud of this 90-page guide not only because it details all the lessons I’ve learned […]
I read everything Chris Guillebeau writes, so you’re probably not surprised I tore through his new book, The $100 Startup, as soon as it arrived in the mail. If you’re thinking about launching a side biz or going off on your own full time, this is a book you shouldn’t miss. Since I’m pretty much […]
The Wall Street Journal‘s blog about balancing work and family, The Juggle, ran a post recently about rules for getting ahead in the workplace. It was a response to another piece called Nine Rules Women Must Follow to Get Ahead. How ironic, I thought as I read them, that the ONE big piece of advice […]
A year and a half ago, I wrote a post about how I felt lost. New readers still land on that post every week; I get a good deal of search traffic from people telling Google, “I’m lost” or “I feel lost.” I like that. I didn’t particularly enjoy feeling lost, but I like that […]
Last night Chris Guillebeau’s new book, The $100 Startup, arrived in the mail. Naturally, I got all excited because I love Chris’ stuff; it’s all super applicable to my own entrepreneurial and life goals. Yet I also kind of groaned to myself. I’m trying to meet a deadline this month (finishing How to Create a […]
You know I believe the key to career success is experimenting. And that risks are worth taking if you want to live a life that truly makes you happy. And that to accomplish your career goals, you’ve gotta surround yourself with go-getters. So you probably won’t be surprised to hear that I picked up a […]
Speaking of experimenting, check out my guide to figuring out how to work for yourself: How I Surpassed My Day Job Income in Just 6 Months of Self-Employment. If there’s one thing I’ve learned during my first six months of working for myself, it’s this: experimentation is the KEY to figuring out how to make […]
Before we get started, check out Only72’s semi-annual sale (affiliate link). This is that mega-offer where you pay $100 for $1,000 worth of products on entrepreneurship. And this round includes a hard-cover copy of Chris Guillebeau’s soon-to-launch book, The $100 Startup, delivered to your door. Doesn’t get much better than that! Oh, except it DOES. […]
Was that a YES? A HELL YES I want to make money doing what I love? Then you’ll be interested in this ebook… COMING SOON!
When I meet blog readers and Twitter followers in person, they often remark that I put a lot of content into the world. Editors have said I’m prolific. And Problogger called me a “publishing powerhouse.” Whenever these compliments come my way, they’re often followed with a question: How do I do it? How will I […]