I first thought seriously about outsourcing when I read Tim Ferris’ book, The Four-Hour Work Week. Outsourcing isn’t about laziness, he convinced me, it’s about efficiency. But it’s easier said than done to hand over tasks that are important to your business. I like to do everything myself because I want things just so. I […]
During j-school, whenever I didn’t feel like going for a run, a friend used to remind me: The more you don’t feel like doing it, the more you probably should. I thought of those words when I read Tim Ferris’ book, The 4-Hour Workweek. “Usually, what we most fear doing is what we most need […]
Do you ever have a day where you’re SO EXCITED to work on your projects that you can’t focus on anything else? I’ve been having a lot of those days lately. I’m excited about: My next book about creating your own career My next ebook about how to create a freakin’ awesome social media strategy […]
Ever read a blog post that resonates with you through and through? One you keep thinking about, even after you’ve closed your browser? If you’re working toward a big goal, don’t miss this piece from Josh Linkner on Fast Company: The Dirty Little Secret of Overnight Success. Here are the first few graphs: Angry Birds, […]
I’ve been thinking about writing Book No. 2. Thinking a lot. And outlining. Enough that it’s time to share this blossoming project with you. Here’s the idea — no, better yet, the working title: Creating Your Own Career: How to Make the Gig Economy Work for You. How now, more than ever before, it’s possible […]
When I meet someone new, I tend to group them in one of two categories: those who are generally optimistic about life, and those who aren’t. It’s a strange way to categorize people, I suppose, since there are so many other less-subjective ways to classify. But the reason I judge people this way is probably […]
If you have even the slightest entrepreneurial bone in your body, you won’t want to miss this. And read it NOW, because you only have until midnight Tuesday — yeah, that’s tomorrow — to take advantage. The women behind Women's Money Week have put together more than $1,800 worth of resources that will help you […]
Schemers and Leapers (which is most of you), check out this cool new initiative: The Leapyear Project. Since 2012 is a leap year, social entrepreneur Victor Saad is rallying anyone who has thought about taking a leap to do it now. His definition of leap includes anything that makes your community or the world a […]
I’m always on the lookout for tools and strategies to deal more efficiently with the overwhelming number of emails I get each day. Here’s something that’s helped out lately: Gmail’s Canned Responses. Canned Responses lets you create a template for an email response that you write often, then import that response into your email with […]
Every college kid and recent grad should go out and buy (or borrow) Michael Ellsberg’s new book, The Education of Millionaires. Really. I feel so strongly about this that I’m sitting here thinking about who I should buy it for. I heard about Michael and his book via Mixergy, an educate-yourself website full of interviews […]