
Use the Changing World of Work to Your Advantage

November 16, 2011

Yesterday I spoke to the Association Media & Publishing about career development in the digital age. Specifically, how to use the changing world of work to your advantage. (Notice I’ve been doing more speaking gigs lately? That’s becoming a piece of my income pie!) Taking advantage of trends in the workplace is a topic I’m […]

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Q&A: Author Jenny Blake on Making Sh*t Happen

November 14, 2011

A blogger, author and life coach, Jenny Blake recently left her job with Google to move full-speed ahead with solopreneurship. Um, sound familiar? Yet here’s the biggest thing Jenny and I have in common: we’re both into following big dreams and encouraging others to do the same. That’s why I invited Jenny here to tell […]

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Re-Creating Your Nut Graf

November 7, 2011

Journalists’ lives revolve around something called the “nut graf.” The nut graf is one of the most important parts of any article. It’s the paragraph that explains the basics of what you’re writing about, plus any necessary background and context, so the reader can fully understand the story. It’s not the first paragraph, because that […]

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Wanting to Love Your Job Isn’t Asking Too Much

November 3, 2011

I had an email conversation yesterday with a friend who doesn’t love her job. Well, she loves it sometimes. But on other days, it’s super stressful with long hours and not particularly fulfilling. This friend is a glass-half-full type, so whenever she’s feeling stressed to the max, she points out the parts of her job […]

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The Juicy Money Details Behind Leaving My Job

October 26, 2011

Writing this post is what convinced me to start Solopreneur Secrets, a weekly letter about transitioning from employee to free agent. Check it out if you haven’t already. Last week I spent an hour Skyping with this guy. We’d never talked before. He saw an interview with me about becoming a slasher, felt like we […]

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The Secrets of Becoming a Solopreneur

October 24, 2011

Something big happened on Friday night. I got hit with an Idea. BOOM. And I started writing furiously. You know how that feels, right? I’d planned to wait until after the New Year to unveil my next product. I’ve been Scheming about a paid newsletter, but I wanted to have it all planned out and […]

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How Following That Dream Can Help Your Career

October 19, 2011

If there’s one part of my new guide, How to Take a Career Break to Travel, that I get fired up about, it’s this: taking time out of the traditional workforce to travel does not have to kill your career. In fact, if you make this move strategically, it can actually help you professionally. This […]

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What It Takes to Pull Off a Great Launch

October 13, 2011

I’ve been a mad woman this week. My new guide, How to Take a Career Break to Travel, launches Monday, and there are what seems like a million moving parts that need attention. You’d think writing the guide would be the majority of the work, but I’d say it’s only about half. The other half […]

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To Grow Your Blog, This Works Better Than Commenting

September 29, 2011

During a recent blog-coaching session with the fabulous Sarah Bagley, we were brainstorming how to grow her readership. (Yes, I’m offering blog coaching for individuals!) And Sarah had an ah-ha moment that was rather genius, one that’s worth sharing with you. She used to focus on commenting on other people’s blogs to lure them to […]

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How Bartering Can Help Your Business

September 26, 2011

When you start your own business, money doesn’t exactly grow on the tree in your backyard. Every dollar you spend is one less dollar you have to pay your rent, which means you think hard about spending those dollars. My business has a low overhead because a lot of the tools I use are free. […]

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