
Taking a Leap is Most Difficult the First Time

August 17, 2011

“Now that she had done it once, she had the itch.” — Tim Ferris in The 4-Hour Workweek

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Climbing Mountains

August 7, 2011

I don’t consider myself religious, but I am spiritual. And I’ll take motivation and inspiration no matter what shape they’re in. So I was psyched this morning at the gym when Joel Osteen, pastor of the mega-church I used to attend in Houston, showed up on the television screen in front of the bike I […]

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Become an Affiliate for Social Media Consulting Guide

August 2, 2011

I’ve written before about how I like to take advantage of affiliate programs. This means if you buy, say, the Thesis theme for through my link (which I like to endorse because I use it) or the Negotiating Your Sabbatical toolkit (which I need to write a post about), I get a cut. Affiliate […]

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Making Difficult Decisions Easy

July 17, 2011

As I hemmed and hawed over a decision this weekend, my girlfriend reminded me, “You only have one life. How do you want to spend it?” It’s a cliche, yes. As writers, we’re taught to avoid cliches like, well, the plague. We’re taught to cut them from our writing and fling them over the fence […]

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Dreaming Big

July 11, 2011

Thanks to all of you who completed my one-question survey about what you’d like to learn on this blog. It’s so helpful already! If you missed the weekend post — or you read via RSS feed and didn’t see the survey (sorry about that!) — you can answer the question here. I was emailing with […]

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Strategies for dealing with forever-overwhelming email

July 6, 2011

Does anyone else constantly feel stressed by an always-overflowing inbox? I can deal with my bedroom looking like a bomb went off, with clothes strewn across the floor. I can deal with dirty dishes and papers cluttering my desk. But if my digital life is not in complete and perfect order, I can’t think straight. […]

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To get big things done, let small bad things happen

July 4, 2011

Our culture has it backwards when it comes to retirement. Why work myself to death during my youth and save all the fun for when I’m older, and likely less energetic and less mobile? Tim Ferriss echoes these sentiments in his book, The 4-Hour Workweek. I had low expectations for this read because, well, there’s […]

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If your job sucks, use it to get where you want to be

June 29, 2011

A good friend once wrote to me, “Complaining is great so long as it prompts action.” That’s why I don’t mind when friends complain to me about work. What I do mind is when they complain about work and then don’t do anything about it. We all make this mistake once in a while — […]

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Most of your obligations are actually choices

June 22, 2011

“If you say you never could do that, you certainly never will. But every one of those obligations is a choice. Getting up in the morning is a choice. Taking your kids to that game, going to work. You face hundreds of choices every day, and you just keep saying yes, yes, yes to them. […]

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Game-Changing Digital Tool: Scrivener

June 20, 2011

Whenever I discover what I call a game-changer, I tell you about it. Hootsuite was a game-changer for my Twitter strategy. Google Reader was a game-changer for keeping up with the more than 200 blogs I read regularly. Your Life as Story was a game-changer for how to tell my tale of backpacking solo through […]

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