
I Used to Love Productivity Advice. Then I Had Kids

February 6, 2020

It’s time to reframe business advice so it’s not just for men without kids. Moms, dads, working parents… I see you.

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Make This Easy Change in Slack to Improve Your Company’s Culture

January 25, 2019

This has the potential to change not how efficiently your team works, but how they feel about the work they produce.

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Why You Should Use Flow for Task Management (Over Basecamp or Asana)

September 1, 2015

I’ve long used Flow for task management. My Socialexis team used it, my editorial team now uses it at Taylor Media, and my husband and I even use it to keep track of household tasks. In short, I’m a huge Flow fan. So I’m always surprised when this app doesn’t make it into conversations about the […]

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Doing the Work vs. Writing About It

August 17, 2015

This blog has been quiet for nearly a month. It’s perhaps the longest I’ve ever gone without posting. On several occasions, I started writing a blog post to explain why. I wrote about how I’m juggling a company transition and preparing to have a baby. I wrote about how I’m failing at a lot of little […]

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Why Work-Life Integration is a Better Goal Than Work-Life Balance

June 10, 2015

Everyone’s always talking about the importance of work-life balance — and how elusive it can be. But what if our conversations around work-life balance were all misguided? What if we started talking about work-life integration instead? That’s how productivity blogger Laura Vanderkam approaches it, and her take really resonates with me. Rather than forcing our workday […]

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When You Get a Million Requests to Pick Your Brain

February 17, 2015

I get a lot of requests from people who want to pick my brain. No one calls it that, of course, because unpaid brain-picking has gotten a bad rap. But readers and peers and random people contact me almost every day asking my advice on building a business, best practices for recruiting writers or how […]

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How I Outsource My Life: 5 Services for Avoiding Chores

January 21, 2015

I hate chores. They keep me from doing things I enjoy, like working on my business, spending time with family or simply relaxing. But I always felt like I had to do them. Like chores and errands simply weren’t avoidable, that I had no choice but to work through life’s red tape. My view on […]

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Why So Many Projects Go Unfinished, and How to Finish Them

November 2, 2014

Most of us have at least a handful of unfinished projects: a half-written novel on our virtual shelf, a blog that never made it past the first three posts, a body that isn’t quite as healthy or fit as we want it to be. Sometimes we make conscious decisions to put aside these projects when […]

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Why I Removed Email From My Smartphone

October 1, 2014

I remember when I got my first smartphone nearly five years ago. I’d put off the purchase for quite a while, and when I finally gave in to the upgrade, I couldn’t believe the difference it made in my life. Taking email everywhere was life-changing: I no longer had to wait at home near my […]

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