If you're a writer interested in making money online, don’t miss these insights from author and entrepreneur Sean Platt. Sean writes everything from children's books to horror novels to landing pages for websites. He co-founded CIMedia, an independent publisher with a focus on writing and social media, and is a contributing writer for Copyblogger. But […]
I’ve written before about how I like to take advantage of affiliate programs. This means if you buy, say, the Thesis theme for WordPress.org through my link (which I like to endorse because I use it) or the Negotiating Your Sabbatical toolkit (which I need to write a post about), I get a cut. Affiliate […]
I’ve become a student of entrepreneurship lately, spending much of my free time watching interviews with entrepreneurs and reading about their strategies, and even picking their brains at work. After all, many of us are entrepreneurs in our own right, figuring out how to cobble together a living doing what we love. (Self-publishing, by the […]