
Don’t forget to subscribe!

August 31, 2010

The tricky part about moving to is convincing y’all to follow me here. If you subscribed by RSS to my old blog, you’ve got to re-subscribe here. Stinks, I know. If you subscribed to my old blog via e-mail, you’re all set. No need to re-subscribe because I changed the settings for you.* And […]

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The Traveling Writer moves to

August 30, 2010

Thanks for following me to my new cyber-home! Because I know you’re dying to hear what I sound like, I’ve got my first-ever video to welcome you to I’ll also include highlights below in case you’d prefer to read instead. And yeah, it wouldn’t be my first blog video if my eyes weren’t closed. […]

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En lieu of a Writers' Roundup… Socialexis

July 23, 2010

I’ve felt slightly overwhelmed this week trying to juggle three major projects: book revisions, my new social media biz and a revamp of my website. Everything, including this blog, will soon be at Finally! To lighten my to-do list, I’m going to pass on the writers’ roundup this week, and instead ask you to […]

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