I’m planning something different this New Year’s Eve. Rather than partying late on December 31st and recovering on the first day of 2011, I’m doing something special for myself: spending the three-day weekend writing. I’m creating my own retreat of sorts in part because the deadline for my next revision is approaching (end of January!), […]
I’ve been writing my first book for nearly two years. It has taken me this long to realize something that’s crucial to the success of my memoir: It’s okay to let myself ramble. More than okay. To write a good memoir, I have to force myself to ramble. I’m best at writing in a newsy […]
Want more tips like these? Check out my free newsletter. The difference between a mediocre writer and an excellent writer often comes down to whether you can tighten your own copy. Eliminating unnecessary words makes every story cleaner, easier to follow and all-around professional. I’ve long enjoyed editing, which is why I’ve edited friends’ chapters, […]
Best links from this week: 26 tips for enhancing your tweets, from Social Media Examiner. If you ever feel like you’re short on Twitter content, check this out. How to get writing gigs as a newbie. Excellent post from Hope Clark, the author of my new favorite blog. I never miss a post by Peter […]
Even though I’m now working a full-time job (which I LOVE so far), I’m planning to keep up with these weekly roundups. They require me to think critically about the better posts I read each week, which can only be good for me. Enjoy! The Online Journalism Review suggests five questions you should ask about […]
Instead of a writer’s round-up this week, I’d like to try something new. What are your favorite links from this week? Leave them below so we can check them out! And yes, feel free to include a post from your own blog, too. Looking forward to seeing whatcha got!
I’m on my way to northern Georgia for two weeks at The Hambidge Center, an artists’ colony I’ve written about a lot on this blog. Two weeks of solitude and reflection! Two weeks of connecting with other creative spirits! Two weeks of daily walks in the woods! And most importantly, two weeks of working on […]
Here’s one of the great benefits of blogging: It holds you accountable. If you blog about your goal of finishing a rough draft by next month, that goal is no longer bouncing around your head — it’s bouncing around the blogosphere. If you tell your readers you’re going to move to a new city, they […]
By the time you read this, I’ll be on my way to Georgia for two weeks at a writer’s residency! More on that next week. My favorite links from this week: The world’s first airport library. Love it. From MediaBistro’s GalleyCat. Social media thug Marian Schembari offers a solid checklist for what you should include […]
While I was running this week, I came up with an awesome idea for an ebook. I typed furiously as soon as I got home, trying to get the idea in all of its pieces onto my computer before it escaped from my brain. Now I’m eager to work on this project, to flesh it […]