The universe has a way of throwing us a lifeline when we need one. Not long after I blogged about feeling lost — and got so many encouraging comments from you all — an e-mail appeared in my inbox from The Hambidge Center. Does the name ring a bell? Hambidge is the artist’s colony where […]
Thanks for following me to my new cyber-home! Because I know you’re dying to hear what I sound like, I’ve got my first-ever video to welcome you to I’ll also include highlights below in case you’d prefer to read instead. And yeah, it wouldn’t be my first blog video if my eyes weren’t closed. […]
We all know how distracting social media can be. Sometimes I’ll sit down to work on a chapter of my book, turn to Twitter or Facebook or my blog just for a minute, and when I finally look up, it’s two hours later. It’s not that I’m wasting time on these networks. I’m not playing […]
Writing an awesome memoir requires being honest with the reader. This is pretty basic, Memoir Writing 101. You’ve got to reveal your true self through your story, because if you don’t, readers will know it. They might not be able to put their finger on it, but they’ll know something’s off. If you’re not completely […]
Just finished yet another revision of the manuscript! It changed and improved more dramatically this time than ever before. Super excited. My favorite links from this week: How a career break can help you find your next job, from Briefcase to Backpack. Advice from a literary agent on how to pick competitive titles for your […]
If you’re new here, Writers’ Roundup is a weekly Friday feature with links to blog posts, news stories, etc. about writing, travel, journalism and anything else I find useful and entertaining. It’s the best of my Google Reader and Twitter links! What have I found this week? On the evolving role of the travel writer: […]
Notice anything new here today? Aspiring Author has become The Traveling Writer! I’ve thought for a long while about revamping this blog with a name change that would give me room to write about a broader range of topics, hopefully growing my audience. It’s time to take the leap! Those of you who read this […]
Every once in a while I come across a piece of writing advice that really resonates with me. And when I reviewed Elizabeth Gilbert’s Committed last week, I forgot to mention that she had one of these bits in her book. In Gilbert’s prologue, she writes about her difficulties writing Committed, how she ditched her […]
Since launching this blog in April, I’ve learned a lot. I’ve come so far, in fact, that it’s almost embarrassing to read some of my initial posts, when I was confused about newbie details like when to query literary agents (when my memoir is done) and what’s an appropriate word count for my book (90,000 […]
A lot has happened since I left upstate New York in late August. I’m several chapters away from completing a draft of my manuscript! I’ve got a new working title (although I’m still not satisfied with it). I’ve read through all seven of my travel journals. And I’ve rewritten my proposal. But more on all […]