Spring is in the air! Finally! Here are some goodies from the past week: The MailChimp team says more isn’t always better when it comes to email marketing. Want to get rid of a bad habit? To change what’s normal for you, start small, says Zen Habits. Creating a freelance schedule is just one vital […]
You’d think getting where you want to be in your career and life would be the big challenging facing most of us. But the truth is, for many 20- and 3o-somethings and even beyond, the challenge is often even more basic: figuring out what the heck it is you want. Not knowing what you want […]
Happy Friday! Here’s your weekend reading: Even Pulitzer Prize winners are getting in on it. The New York Times reports on how self-publishing is becoming more popular, and more feasible. “Going on about how busy you are isn’t conversation and doesn’t lead anywhere.” A post on Lifehacker discusses how to escape the cult of busy. […]
I’ve long touted Rapportive as a must-have networking tool. The free Gmail add-on pops up as a sidebar anytime someone sends you an email, so you can easily see more about them — their photo, where they live, job title and links to whatever social networks they use so you can easily connect with them […]
Happy Friday! Here’s your weekend reading: The Wall Street Journal says Twitter is the new resume. But then, you already knew that, right? Smart post by Scott Berkun for the Harvard Business Review on how WordPress thrives with a remote workforce. Elizabeth Seda shares one habit that will change your life — and it’s probably […]
You know how, at the beginning of the year, your favorite gym class is so crammed with resolution-drunk people that you can barely get a spot? And how after a few weeks or months they drop off and you’re back to the regulars? We’re into April now, and this is the time when temporary gym […]
It’s Friday! You know what that means… Here are this week’s best reads for writers: What do growth marketing, content creation, and information architecture have in common? They’re among 10 job skills startups will kill for, Scott Gerber says on Mashable. Fabulous rant from Seth Godin about the new world of work. Stop waiting for […]
Many of us strive for a bigger platform. We want to connect with more people and gain the trust of more readers. But what happens when BIGGER and MORE has side effects? As my community grows, I’m facing a problem I haven’t yet figured out how to deal with: emails. In addition to the dozens, […]
Lots of goodies around the web for you this week! SparkPeople lists 10 ways to stay healthy when working from home. (No. 4 is always a struggle!) Can you really get paid $100 to write a blog post? You bet, says Carol at Tice Writes. Daniel Victor writes about the overuse of hashtags in a […]
It’s always fun to hear from real people who are earning money doing something they enjoy. Our guest today is a cool case study in that regard, a woman who’s using her creative genius to make a living through Meetup.com. I’m friends with Nejla Routsong IRL (In Real Life), so I’ve watched her transition from […]