Want more social media tips? Check out How to Create a Freakin’ Fabulous Social Media Strategy. When people talk about using Facebook for promotional and engagement, they usually focus on building a page. But pages aren’t the only way to galvanize your community. Here’s another incredibly effective yet under-utilized way to grow a following and […]
Happy November! Still thinking of everyone affected by Hurricane Sandy this week. For those of you who do have power, here are a few weekend reads: “Spending your precious time and energy focusing on other people’s issues is a waste.” That’s why Ryan Ferrier says you should take ownership of your life. If you’re in […]
Really. Stop and think about it for a moment. What if you approached everything with a more open mind, without the assumptions and obligations that keep you from living the life you want? That’s what Leo Babauta asks in his post on our willingness to think differently. He writes: It means you have to be […]
Old-school companies and organizations hire people for specific positions, then stifle ideas and growth to keep people in those positions (where they drown in boredom and frustration). Forward-looking companies and organizations hire people with skills, potential and, most importantly, an eagerness to learn, and nurture those employees (who then help the company succeed). Which kind […]
Happy almost-Halloween! Are you doing anything spooky this weekend? Grab your candy, have a seat, and check out this week’s reading: How are you funding your passion? Scott from Live Your Legend shares five not-so-obvious ways anyone can make an extra $1,000 a month. Even if you’re inspired, Sean Ogle says that pursuing too many […]
Working for yourself can be scary. The biggest reason why? You don’t always know how much money you’ll make each month. In fact, this can be SO scary that it keeps a lot of people who would love to work for themselves chained to their employer’s cubicle. When you work for a company, you can […]
Last week in one of the Facebook groups I manage, I posted a link to a free webinar I’m giving about how to create and sell your first digital product. That prompted comments from several members who said it’s unethical to sell an ebook for more than $10. While I like hearing other people’s opinions […]
It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful weekend here in DC. Hope you manage to get outside for a bit, wherever you are! In the meantime, here are this week’s reads: Over at Social Triggers, Derek Halpern explains how to email influential people — his first point is KEY. Have you submitted your […]
Now that I’ve been creating and selling digital guides and courses for more than a year, I’ve identified a handful of things I wish I knew when I started. We’ll go over these and more — oh, wayyy more — in a webinar next week. And yes, it’s totally and utterly FREE! Sign up to […]
Oh, and there’s more.