Now that I’ve been running my own business for a year, an awesome reader requested a lessons-learned post. So here are 11 lessons I picked up during my first year of work freedom: 1. Who you work with has a huge effect on your happiness. And one of the best parts of working for yourself […]
You know I believe in finding a job you enjoy. That if you’re working a job you don’t enjoy, one that stresses you out or leaves you feeling unfulfilled, you should figure out how to make a living doing something else. But what if you don’t know what that something else is? What if you […]
Happy Friday! Here are some links to check out this weekend: Mixergy has a great interview with Shane Snow, the co-founder of Contently, on writing + entrepreneurship. Use these 10 tricks and tips to become a Gchat power user, from Mashable. Sean Ogle asks are you ready to become a lifestyle entrepreneur? Which do you […]
A few nights ago I watched a new documentary, I’m Fine, Thanks, a film about complacency and expectations and living the American Dream — even if it’s not your dream. (I got an early download because I backed the project on Kickstarter, but the film will soon be available for purchase. In the meantime, you […]
One year ago today, I became my own boss. My transition from day job to entrepreneurship was scary, thrilling and challenging. When I quit my 9-to-5, I was worried about disappointing my boss and colleagues, stressed about bringing in enough money to live solely off my own business, and unsure how to structure days, weeks […]
Big anniversary coming up Monday — My one-year mark of becoming my own boss! To celebrate, I’ll be offering a BIG SALE (like, half off big) on all my products, but for ONE DAY ONLY: Monday. So check back then for your discount! Now for your weekend reads: Let’s rethink the way we work, says […]
When I decided to leave my day job and work on my business full time, one of the first things my dad-slash-financial-advisor helped me with was figuring out how much money I needed to earn — both to maintain my standard of living and to meet my life and financial goals. Because while there are […]
Most mornings I wake up and roll over to my computer, still in my pajamas. Within minutes I’m working on my projects: creating a new digital course or brainstorming ways to promote my newest guide or editing blog posts for client Brazen Careerist. I so love this work that I like to get started first […]
TGIF! If you can peel yourself away from the Olympics for a few minutes, check out these finds from around the web: American women would rather CLEAN than do this. What is it? Find out seven things you don’t know about women and work in this post by Penelope Trunk. Give up on being perfect, […]
It’s a question bloggers get constantly: How do you come up with enough ideas to write about? How on earth do you think of something valuable to share several times each week? The answer is that blogging mimics life. You learn something in your life, and you re-learn it on your blog for your readers. […]