Happy Friday! Make Your Own Luck, my social media course, is one week in — what a great group! Several folks have already asked when I’ll offer the course again; if it continues to go this well, the answer is SOON! If you want to receive an email when it becomes available, add yourself to […]
I have to admit I haven’t followed much of the hoopla around Pinterest. I created a profile so I could look around the site, and I’ve discovered a few photos there for my clients’ social media campaigns. But the truth is, I don’t even know that much about Pinterest. And yet, I can tell you […]
I’m back in the States! And trying to dig myself out of a huge vacation hole. But it’s worth taking some time to reflect on the trip, I think. So here’s my summary: Starting point: Managua, Nicaragua End point: San Jose, Costa Rica View Lexi’s Nicaragua and Costa Rica Trip on a larger map Duration: […]
If you have even the slightest entrepreneurial bone in your body, you won’t want to miss this. And read it NOW, because you only have until midnight Tuesday — yeah, that’s tomorrow — to take advantage. The women behind Women's Money Week have put together more than $1,800 worth of resources that will help you […]
I’m back from Nicaragua and reuniting with my Google Reader! Here are a few links to start the weekend: While I was gone, Tom Ewer shared a really cool list: 100 blogs that will help you leave your work behind (including The Traveling Writer!). Hopped on the Pinterest train? Over at Copyblogger, Beth Hayden shares […]
Press releases are so 1990. Whenever I get a press release that looks like it was sent out to a dozen or more people, I press delete. I might take five seconds to read the headline, but I almost never read the actual release. Why? Because I know it won’t be personalized for me. About […]
So many of you are trying to figure out how to make a living doing what you love — and you often want writing to be a significant part of that — that I’ve compiled SIX BIG IDEAS to help. These ideas are inspiring and informative and will kick your butt into gear. If you’re […]
The Writers' Roundup is on vacation until I reconnect with my Google Reader in late February. I need a break from RSS! If you really miss it, you can always browse old Writers' Roundups; they may be old, but they're still bursting with information. Whenever I spend money on travel, a few people raise their […]
One of the best things about travel, says my friend Elise, who joined me in Costa Rica last week, is how it bends time — how time moves more slowly when you’re on the road, and you can fit more memories into a shorter period. It’s true. When I first drafted this post, I’d only […]
Schemers and Leapers (which is most of you), check out this cool new initiative: The Leapyear Project. Since 2012 is a leap year, social entrepreneur Victor Saad is rallying anyone who has thought about taking a leap to do it now. His definition of leap includes anything that makes your community or the world a […]