Update: The winner of the book giveaway is Dean Miller. Dean, Chuck will send you your choice of the 2011 Guide to Literary Agents or Formatting & Submitting Your Manuscript. Congrats! One of the best blogs around for writers is Chuck Sambuchino’s Guide to Literary Agents. (And I’m not just saying that because Chuck lets […]
Hope you had a great week! Links to keep you busy on your two days off: At Glimmer Train, how to balance your day job and side gig when both involve writing. GalleyCat reports an Osama bin Laden expert already landed a book deal. The speed! Enjoyed this post from Nathan Bransford on his writing […]
While brainstorming how to save money for my next leap, I put some thought into the best way to make a few dollars off this blog — without jeopardizing the content. I decided on sponsorships. But only relevant sponsorships — services and products like editing, writing classes, social media coaching and ebooks that readers might […]
On my lunch break today, I headed over to the Newseum — a fabulous museum about news — to see Today’s Front Pages. It’s an outdoor exhibit near the building entrance that features the front page of one newspaper from each state each day. You can see them online, but it’s not the same as […]
Do you dream of taking a career break to travel? If so, what stops you? What obstacles do you face? What’s the most daunting part about making it happen? And what information could I provide that would help? I ask for two reasons: I’m working on my own project about how to take a career […]
Happy Friday! Links to keep you busy this weekend: At National Geographic’s Intelligent Travel blog, What travelers can learn from war zone reporters. Amazon launches Backstory, a place for author interviews, guest reviews and more, reports MediaBistro’s GalleyCat. When pitching (anything!), be concise. Right-on advice from literary agency BookEnds. Author Chris Guillebeau visits North Korea! […]
Saving money is one of the best ways to prepare to take a leap in life, whether your leap is taking a career break to travel, writing a book, starting your own business or something else you’ve yearned to accomplish. Setting yourself up financially not only puts you in a position to afford to make […]
On Monday night while I was waiting for the Metro, tired and cranky after a long day, a dark-haired women approached me. She towed three children, a grandmother and a clunky suitcase. “Vienna?” she asked, pointing at the tracks. I tried to explain that this train didn’t go to Vienna (that’s Vienna, Virginia, not the […]
Happy Friday! Great links to keep you busy this weekend (and only one brief mention of Three Cups of Tea, because we’ve all read enough about that): Tips on writing memoir if you’re not famous, from Writer’s Digest’s Jane Friedman. TechCrunch introduces Byliner and how it plays into the new rapid-fire world of long-form publishing. […]
Considering writing a memoir about your travel adventure? Check out this piece I wrote for Briefcase to Backpack about how to write a book about your travels: When travelers hear I'm writing a book about backpacking solo through Africa, they often confess that they, too, have dreamed about telling their travel story. “But I don't […]