Career hacks

3 Inspiring Takeaways from the World Domination Summit

July 11, 2012

Know how when you spend time in another country and then return home, you feel like no one understands what you went through? And how it’s strange and semi-unbelievable that everything at home is exactly the same, when you’ve changed in big ways? And how when anyone asks how it went, you don’t really know […]

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If I Could Only [Fill in the Blank], Then I’d Be Happy

July 9, 2012

Today I’m flying home from the World Domination Summit! What an awesome weekend. Can’t wait to share a few big takeaways over the next few weeks. For now, though, let’s talk about something important. Something that affects us ALL in one way or another. Do you ever find yourself saying phrases like… “If only I […]

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The No. 1 Rule for Getting Ahead in Today’s Workplace

May 23, 2012

The Wall Street Journal‘s blog about balancing work and family, The Juggle, ran a post recently about rules for getting ahead in the workplace. It was a response to another piece called Nine Rules Women Must Follow to Get Ahead. How ironic, I thought as I read them, that the ONE big piece of advice […]

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A Message for Anyone Who Feels Lost

May 16, 2012

A year and a half ago, I wrote a post about how I felt lost. New readers still land on that post every week; I get a good deal of search traffic from people telling Google, “I’m lost” or “I feel lost.” I like that. I didn’t particularly enjoy feeling lost, but I like that […]

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Kicking Your Own Butt Into Gear

May 10, 2012

Last night Chris Guillebeau’s new book, The $100 Startup, arrived in the mail. Naturally, I got all excited because I love Chris’ stuff; it’s all super applicable to my own entrepreneurial and life goals. Yet I also kind of groaned to myself. I’m trying to meet a deadline this month (finishing How to Create a […]

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Treating Your Career Like a Startup

May 7, 2012

You know I believe the key to career success is experimenting. And that risks are worth taking if you want to live a life that truly makes you happy. And that to accomplish your career goals, you’ve gotta surround yourself with go-getters. So you probably won’t be surprised to hear that I picked up a […]

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The One Thing You Should Do Today

April 12, 2012

During j-school, whenever I didn’t feel like going for a run, a friend used to remind me: The more you don’t feel like doing it, the more you probably should. I thought of those words when I read Tim Ferris’ book, The 4-Hour Workweek. “Usually, what we most fear doing is what we most need […]

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What Makes Someone Optimistic?

March 12, 2012

When I meet someone new, I tend to group them in one of two categories: those who are generally optimistic about life, and those who aren’t. It’s a strange way to categorize people, I suppose, since there are so many other less-subjective ways to classify. But the reason I judge people this way is probably […]

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Let’s Make This Leap Year Mean Something

February 20, 2012

Schemers and Leapers (which is most of you), check out this cool new initiative: The Leapyear Project. Since 2012 is a leap year, social entrepreneur Victor Saad is rallying anyone who has thought about taking a leap to do it now. His definition of leap includes anything that makes your community or the world a […]

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Figuring Out How to Make a Living Doing What You Love

January 17, 2012

Want to free yourself from your day job? My eguide is full of practical advice: How I Surpassed My Day Job Income in Just 6 Months of Self-Employment. Last week I woke up to a long note from a reader of my newsletter. He’s working as an interpreter for a manufacturing company, and he’s desperate […]

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