
This is So Important It Deserves to Stand Alone

March 4, 2013

Quote from the freebie you’ll get when you sign up for my newsletter.

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Why It’s Never Too Late to Create the Life You Want

February 11, 2013

Doesn’t matter if you’re 25, 35, 55 or 85 — it’s NEVER too late to change your priorities. Because that’s what creating the life you want is really about: changing your priorities. Making room for more meaning. Figuring out how to focus on what really matters to you. No matter how old you are when […]

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Focus on Where You’re Going, Not Where You’ve Been

December 19, 2012

I wrote this piece for Brazen Careerist’s blog, but it just as easily could’ve run here. Because describing yourself in terms of where you’re going, rather than where you’ve been, is a solid way to make your own luck. Here’s an excerpt: If there's one mistake job seekers and ambitious professionals make while working toward […]

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Stop Talking About Your Mountains

November 26, 2012

Read more about climbing your mountains. Or share this image on Twitter. I’ve also posted this on my Facebook page, if you want to click and share from there.

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What Would Your Life Be Like If You Started Thinking Differently?

October 31, 2012

Really. Stop and think about it for a moment. What if you approached everything with a more open mind, without the assumptions and obligations that keep you from living the life you want? That’s what Leo Babauta asks in his post on our willingness to think differently. He writes: It means you have to be […]

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A Trick for Getting Where You Want to Be, Faster

October 10, 2012

Feel like you’re not moving fast enough toward your goals? Like you’re stagnant, struggling against the current? Here’s a counter-intuitive strategy that will help you make progress faster than ever before. Stop waiting until you’re ready We all tend to wait until we feel ready to make a change, or even take steps toward that […]

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Making Today Worth It

October 4, 2012

More than a year ago, I was talking with Jenny Blake about all things solopreneurial: leaving your company to work for yourself, how much money you have to make to feel secure, and figuring out how to structure your day when no one forces structure upon you. She said something that has stuck with me, […]

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The Biggest Risk in Life

September 24, 2012

This photo from Escape the City is so worth sharing — and living by (via The Art of Non-Conformity). If you’re reading in RSS or email, you might need to enable images to see this.

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When Feeling Unhappy and Unfulfilled Becomes Normal

August 22, 2012

A few nights ago I watched a new documentary, I’m Fine, Thanks, a film about complacency and expectations and living the American Dream — even if it’s not your dream. (I got an early download because I backed the project on Kickstarter, but the film will soon be available for purchase. In the meantime, you […]

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