
Tell me this doesn’t make your morning

March 28, 2011

A friend turned me on to We Sing Your Tweets, and I simply cannot get enough. How did someone not think of this sooner? This duo calls the tweets they sing “sweets.” I can’t figure out how to embed one of their videos here, so click on the image for 20 seconds of entertainment.  

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Strategies for juggling multiple Twitter accounts

March 23, 2011

Another question from a reader! Emma writes (I’m sharing this with her permission): I am a regular reader of your blog (The Traveling Writer), and I would love to get your opinion on managing multiple social media identities. For my day job, I am a co-author (with two psychologists who are professional colleagues) of The […]

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What’s the best connection you’ve made on Twitter?

February 28, 2011

Joining Twitter two years ago was one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself professionally. The network is awesome for a lot of reasons, including the valuable information that’s served right into my lap and the ideas it inspires. But the best benefit of Twitter is the connections you can make there. So […]

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Writers’ Roundup: October 29

October 29, 2010

Best links from this week: 26 tips for enhancing your tweets, from Social Media Examiner. If you ever feel like you’re short on Twitter content, check this out. How to get writing gigs as a newbie. Excellent post from Hope Clark, the author of my new favorite blog. I never miss a post by Peter […]

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Join The Traveling Writer community on Twitter

August 25, 2010

A writing friend just joined Twitter, and I’m trying to come up with suggestions of tweeps for her to follow. That got me to thinking: wouldn’t it be awesome if I could give her a list of all the readers of this blog? A while back I built a Twitter list that includes members of […]

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Because publicity IS your job: social media for authors

July 26, 2010

This lady knows her stuff. That was obvious to me the first time I “met” Marian Schembari on Twitter (she’s @marianschembari). She knows what she’s talking about. Whenever I have an idea about social media, I bounce it off Marian. And the cool things for readers of this blog? Marian specializes in social media for […]

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Quick plug for @travelmemoir

May 13, 2010

If you’re writing a travel memoir or enjoy reading them, hope you’ll follow @travelmemoir on Twitter. We’ll offer tips, helpful links and book recommendations, as well as notes about what’s going on in the Travel Memoir Writers Ning group. [tweetmeme source=”alexisgrant”] Should be a good resource.

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Another reason writers should use Twitter

May 11, 2010

You all know I think writers should use Twitter. And Facebook. And other social media that helps you create your own community. Here’s yet another reason you should use Twitter: that’s how I connected with my agent. Well, not directly. I have long followed Rachelle because her tweets about publishing are helpful and entertaining. But […]

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Do Twitter & Facebook help or hinder your writing?

April 14, 2010

The Los Angeles Times book blog ran a post last week about a writer who went off Facebook and Twitter for the first three months of this year to focus on her project. Edan Lepucki blogged about the detox, concluding that she didn’t miss the sites as much as she thought she would. Which begs […]

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Mark your calendar: Twitter chat with author Dani Shapiro

February 10, 2010

Are you reading Dani Shapiro‘s new memoir, Devotion? I am! I am! Had to buy it after interviewing Dani earlier this month. Partly because I wished I had a book club to discuss it with, I asked Dani if she’d be interested in visiting a vitual book club, through a Twitter chat. She agreed! Details: […]

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