We got married! It was awesome, and I’m so happy to be @benlcollins’ life partner. (In case you missed it, here’s the story of how we met.) But unlike most of my girlfriends who have tied the knot in recent years, I’m not changing my name. I thought about writing an essay on this topic, […]
It’s a big week: I’m getting married! While I’ve shared a number of love stories on this blog in recent years, including how proud I am of my soon-to-be husband, I’ve never publicly revealed the story of how we met. In fact, the only place I’ve shared this story — aside from with family and […]
This week I drafted a blog post about how to deal with a quickly growing business. I was trying to figure out whether to take several new clients that want to hire us, knowing full well that would mean choosing to grow the client side of my business rather than our own brands. While I […]
Today is my third anniversary of freedom! Three years ago today, I left my day job to focus on my business full time… and wow, so much has changed since three years ago. To celebrate this anniversary, I’m offering 50% OFF the guide that documents exactly how I went from side gig to full-time entrepreneur: […]
Two years ago I wrote a post explaining how I make money. A lot has changed since then. And since tell-all posts on income are some of the most helpful ones around, it’s time for an update. Here’s the big change: It’s no longer how I make money, it’s how my company makes money. My […]
This afternoon I had coffee with a guy who wants to leave his day job to work freelance. He asked all the right questions — how to know when it’s time to make the leap, what he should do to prepare, whether it’s the right decision. And while I have my answers right here in […]
Every time you pick up a business magazine, look at the agenda for a lean startup meetup, or listen to an interview with an entrepreneur, you hear people talking about how to land funding for your startup, hailing companies that have managed to secure investment as the holy grail of success. But bootstrapping? Building a […]
It always takes a few days to process the World Domination Summit. After being embedded in a community where strangers ask about your superpower and unconventional choices warrant a high five, it’s a bit of a shock to return to the Real World. But while WDS is inspiring and life-changing, the Real World is where […]
Last week my soon-to-be husband left for a two-month, 3,500-mile bike trip on the West Coast. His brother is joining him, and they’re calling it #NoRestOutWest. Friends and family keep asking if I miss him, and of course the answer is yes. But missing him isn’t the overwhelming feeling in my gut right now. What […]
This week I discovered a wonderfully honest piece by Dana Sitar about how she’s disappointed with the reality of her online writing career: too little income, days full of tasks she doesn’t enjoy, and not enough writing. That’s why she began the business after all, to write. So she’s stepping back and restructuring her work, […]